Galactic Community Comes to Aid of Dove Enigma
An attempt to sabotage the Dove Enigma, a Wells-class Carrier based in the Colonia system, has been thwarted by the galactic community. The would-be saboteurs tried to destabilise the vessel by flooding its black market with Thargoid Sensors, which ha…
Untold Tales: “The Journey Home”
This installment of Untold Tales chronicles the tragic loss of Naval combat pilot Laurence Kiefly and the stunning mystery of what happened next.
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are on the brink of closure: Salgari Enterprise, Mawa Regiomontanus Dock, Tjapurnaru Vonarb…
Interview with Famed Eve Photographer Razorian
The 24-7 total-immersion Sci-Fi universe that is EVE Online creates a wealth of opportunities for streamers, youtubers like the author, even fiction writers setting tales within its universe. Less attention is given to the photographers of EVE Online. …
Dev Post: Februrary Balance Update – Assault Frigates and Assault Damage Controls
Hello! As many of you have already noticed, we have some changes coming in February to Assault Frigates as well as a new Assault Damage Control module type, which can only be used by Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers. Assault Damage Controls …
This Week in Star Citizen
Calling All Devs
Upwell Changes: A Lesson to the Community
Yesterday, CCP Fozzie announced on the official forums concerning the Upwell 2.0 changes. You can read it in full here. In summary, three modifications were announced: No GTFO module No 5-minute fitting period after anchoring Doubling final vulnerabili…
Dev Post: Upwell 2.0 – Structures Changes follow up
Hello again everyone! Thanks again for the continued discussion. I’ve finally caught up with the new posts in this thread and today I’m able to share with you all a few changes to the the plan that we’re making based on your feedback so far. We’re remo…
Watch This: The 9-4RP2 Keepstar Defence Part 2: The Vulture Patrol
[Disclaimer: Yossarian Yassavi is a member of Darkness., an alliance fighting on the Northern side of the conflict, but his opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Eve News24, his alliance or his corporation.] So much hype went into the buildup of…