Month: July 2017

  • 3 Billion Isk Cynabal Memed in Delve

    A Cynabal worth almost 3 billion and flown by Cpt KorpuSkull of KOB4EG [KB4] out of Dream Fleet was destroyed this evening in Delve by a small ‘kitchen-sink’ gang. The gang was mostly comprised of members of Serious About Space Things. [SAST.], who were taking new member Liquid Lace on a birthday roam. Cpt KorpuSkull’s…

  • Diplomatic Tensions on the Rise in the South

    Last week we published an article by Seraph , Triumvirate Leaks Damaging Relations With Drone Region Federation, detailing increasing tensions between Vanguard Coalition and its allies The Drone Region Federation (DRF) and Phoenix Federation alliance FCON. This article was met with initial skepticism as the intel/leaks were only available to those who have access to the ‘foreplay’ intel section of or…

  • Dude where is my Fortizar???

    Just about everyone who has been playing Eve for a long time can recount funny stories of game bugs. One of mine occurred on Saturday 07/15/2016 at approximately 18:30 eve-time. Phoenix Federation was gearing up for a possible fight with Goonswarm who had several citadels onlining when the entire node encompassing Immensea went down. For…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

    This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Ambivas Power Partners G 99-49 Life Industry Durius Dominion Alliance of Yemakinni …

  • Spotlight: The Rising Phoenix of Industry

    Eve has a reputation as being a harsher kind of MMO where whining is rightfully ridiculed and even CCP members are known to tell players to “HTFU.” However sometimes this kind of attitude is used to give people an excuse to be unnecessarily obnoxious. This manifests itself mostly in people with little going on in…

  • Cavemen. pull off Fortizar heist

    When a Fortizar owned by Syndicate-based alliance Slightly Sexual <S3XY> began unanchoring last week, a convoluted series of distraction schemes and counter-schemes spanning several days culminated in the structure being swiped by local alliance Cavemen. <CAVE> in highsec Solitude on Wednesday. We interviewed a pilot from each side of the coin – S3XY’s Sandy Freir,…

  • Happy Hour Interview

    Jared Huckaby sits down with designers Will Maiden and Gareth Bourn from Foundry 42 UK to discuss Cargo and other game systems coming in Alpha 3.0. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to:

  • Galactic News: New Research Centre at Thargoid Site

    As the number of newly discovered Thargoid structures continues to grow, reports from the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 indicate that the Oracle, an Ocellus starport, has relocated to the system in order to study the region’s Thargoid structure. Governor Ahmed, the starport’s principal administrator, released the following statement: “The Oracle has long been a hub…

  • EVE_NT Alliance Tournament Viewing Parties – First Two Weekends!

    For Alliance Tournament XV, EVE_NT are hosting a viewing party each day of the first two weekends alongsides their broadcasts on 29th and 30th of July, then 5th and 6th of August. The studio team including techs, host and commentators will be around all day to meet and greet those who come along, providing a…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

    This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: LHS 3479 Interstellar AG+21 1754 Citizen Party Allied FK5 2550 Autocracy Liaedin Mafia Aymifa Resistance Villae Cartel Liaedin Electronics PLC Zhu Veddi State Limited Mob of HIP 7106 Progressive Party of Ross…