Dev Blog: Moon mining revamped – There’s Ore in Them Thar Moons!
Hello again industrious capsuleers. It’s time for another Refinery and moon mining dev blog from your friendly neighborhood Team Five 0. Today’s blog will discuss the way moon composition, moon material distribution and moon surveying will be changing this year as part of the Upwell Refinery introduction. Read on for all the juicy details, or…
Moon mining revamped: There’s Ore in Them Thar Moons!
There’s Ore in Them Thar Moons Hello again industrious capsuleers. It’s time for another Refinery and moon mining dev blog from your friendly neighborhood Team Five 0. Today’s blog will discus…
Galactic News: Weekly Health Report
This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: HIP 22145 Gold Mafia Liberty Party of Zeessze Kvenland Services Dragons of HIP 1914 Conservatives of HIP 41984 Hand Gang of Taunitoq Co-operative of HIP 49102 Parhul Silver Electronics Hldgs Constitution Party of…
Recently I was invited to the ‘Manny Bothans is Primary‘ Podcast (hosted by the PodSide Network)to discuss one of our recent articles. It was a thoroughly enjoyable broadcast and we have reposted the recording here for our readers. If you have not checked Manny Bothans out I would highly recommend you give him a listen.…
Who are the ‘Thieves Guild’?
Emergent gameplay is one of the greatest strengths of a free range universe like ours. Today I’m going to tell you about a career that few have even considered, and fewer still practice as a way of life: Thievery! I know what you’re thinking, gentle reader. Thieves have always existed, in New Eden as well…
Kirith Kodachi: Time to Revisit My Strategic Cruiser
The revamp to Strategic Cruisers has come and gone and today I finally checked my hanger to see what happened to my sole Proteus. As you can see, it was a cloaky combat cruiser with multiple long range tackling mods and a decent offensive capability, basically a sneaky heavy tackler. Now it has two more…
KAIZEN: Commodities Chaos
Aaron Schere provides a Market Breakdown and investigates how HuXa is causing volatility in the commodities market.
Watch This: Jonny Pew – The Agency Event Overview
Our good friend Jonny Pew brings us a first person account on the latest EVE Online live event: The Agency. From the press release: The Agency will reward you with PLEX, boosters and SKINs as soon as you have earned enough points. The rewards will be delivered to your redeeming system. Your progress and points…
PSA: The Agency – Welcome to the next EVE Online live event!
Welcome to The Agency, the new live event for EVE Online! Start: Tuesday, 18 July, at 11:30 UTC End: Tuesday, 1 August, at 11:00 UTC Potential rewards: PLEX, Booster, SKINs … and fun! The Agency offers you new challenges of varying difficulties in the world of New Eden. While none of these challenges are mandatory,…
EVE Online Summer Special: Global Omega discount
We are delighted to present our EVE Online Summer Special: Enjoy a 15% discount on all Omega packages. The discount is available between 18 to 25 July and is valid for all our Omega package: 1 month 3 month 6 month 12 month To benefit from this discount, simply go to the EVE Online account management page…