Galactic News: Order Restored in Colonia
A spokesperson for the Colonia Council has announced that the agitators causing discord in the Eol Prou Lw-L C8-215 system have been eliminated. Hundreds of pilots supported the operation, taking to their ships to tackle the criminals that had taken root in system. The Junkyard Dogs have also confirmed that security personnel have been stationed…
Community Goal: Superpower Expansion
In recent weeks, both the Empire and the Federation have accelerated their expansion plans in the Maia and Merope systems, deploying dozens of ships and establishing a number of outposts. The latest phase of these campaigns will see both superpowers constructing bases in the Pleiades region. The Empire has authorised the Merope Expeditionary Fleet to…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: G 41-14 Purple Travel Solutions Coalition of Ngaliba Groombridge 1618 Inc The Pilots Federation Independents of Mildeptu Liberals of Delta Pavonis Zeaex Flag People’s Changthini for Equality V886 Centauri Future Progressive Party of…
Eve grow’s, Welcomes newbros’ and ch-ch-changes Part I
Over the last 12 to 13 months CCP Games has made a series of changes intended to break multiple stereotypes associated with Eve Online and bring more players to the wonders of New Eden. EVE’s major obstacles, historically, were subscription costs, a heavy learning curve, and the extreme amount of time you needed to invest…
Eve grow’s, Welcomes newbros’ and ch-ch-changes Part I
Over the last 12 to 13 months CCP Games has made a series of changes intended to break multiple stereotypes associated with Eve Online and bring more players to the wonders of New Eden. EVE’s major obstacles, historically, were subscription costs, a heavy learning curve, and the extreme amount of time you needed to invest…
Q&A: Aegis Eclipse
Kirith Kodachi: Unenthused
Now that the first Blood Raiders Sotiyo structure has been destroyed on Tranquility I want to blather on a bit. I think the big thing that took the wind out of my sails for writing about the meta-game of EVE this spring was a Fanfest that left me feeling underwhelmed. The biggest reveal from the…
Senior Gameplay Engineer Mark Abent addresses a bug that has the shotgun recoiling before its deadly projectiles are fired. Can Mark smash this bug and improve the weapon’s accuracy?
Watch The o7 Show this Sunday, May 28!
The o7 Show airs this Sunday at 20:00 UTC (EVE time) on the CCP Twitch Channel. We’ll be talking to developers and players about the Blood Raider shipyards and the recent bloodbath surrounding the first one discovered in Period Basis. We’ll visit CCP’s art team and get a glimpse of some beautiful stuff they’re working on…
Powerplay: Incoming Update
At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…