FW Alert – Minmatar Republic Forces Seize Complete Warzone Control
Breaking News from the Minmatar – Amarr Warzone While this story is still developing the following information has been confirmed: At 1423 hours capsuleer forces loyal to the Minmatar Republic seized control of Arzad; the only remaining faction warzone system under the control of Amarr Empire. This is only the second time in history that the…
Citizens of the Stars
Eve Grows, Welcomes Newbros, and Ch-Ch-Changes Part II
Editor’s Note: Eve News 24 would like to thank both Laura and Cagali for speaking with us and providing insight as to how Eve has gone for them during the changes of the last 12 months. EN24 remains neutral in the argument of which organizations are truly the ‘best place’ for a new player as…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Parhul Silver Electronics Hldgs Movement for Tobarci Confederacy G 167-35 Corp. Int…
Dev Blog: Strategic Cruisers and You
Hello adaptable capsuleers! In this dev blog, we’ll be discussing some early information you need to know in preparation for the big Strategic Cruiser rebalance coming this summer. We’ll recap the high-level plan, give you the first of many notices about how the patch day transition will affect you, and highlight the start of our…
Strategic Cruisers and You
Hello adaptable capsuleers! In this dev blog, we’ll be discussing some early information you need to know in preparation for the big Strategic Cruiser rebalance coming this summer. We’ll recap the…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Vanayequi Independents GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Liberty Party of LP 751-1 Natural Toolfa Nationalists Gandui Empire Group Green Party of Dulos United Chimba League Independents of Duamta Mooramoora Union Party Gold Travel…
Critique on Pandemic Legion’s Modus Operandi
Disclaimer: The following article is an opinion piece written by Seraph IX Basarab, readers’ discretion is advised. Certain people of the Goon variety whine and complain that I often critique their alliance and write little of anything else. A quick review through my article history will prove that claim wrong. I will admit that I…
Around the Verse
Sean Tracy and Josh Herman host this week’s Around the Verse, which features an update from our German office and a Ship Shape segment focused on the Aegis Eclipse. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Galactic News: Zeus Bureau Appeal Concludes
A spokesperson for the Zeus Bureau has announced that its appeal for luxury goods has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of tonnes of commodities were delivered to KatherineB over the week, following an enthusiastic response from the galactic community. As the initiative drew to a close, the organisation released a statement: “Every pilot who responded…