Jonny Pew: How To Get Serpentis Capital Ship BPCs
The brand new (and shiny) Capital Ships from the Serpentis faction are an insanely probably one of the hottest commodities right now, given the fact that it depends on the current “Shadow of the Serpentis” events for every BPC to be seeded. Its rarity makes acquiring an interesting and profitable task for enterprising capsuleers. After…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Thraskias Silver Hand Gang Dalagritu Exchange G 87-16 Blue Crew Justice Party of Djakah Natural BD-07 4419…
Around the Verse
CENTENNIAL: PART II. ATV turns 100! We tour the Foundry 42 UK offices, get an update on 2.5 and the GrimHex pirate station in News From Around the Verse, and check in on updates to the Bengal Carrier in Ship Shape.
Galactic News: EG Pilots Victorious
Last week saw the start of the Rise to Power competition, a three-week campaign to determine which of the galaxy’s largest factions wields the greatest degree of power and influence. The winner of the competition will be in a position to compete with t…
Galactic News: Order Restored to Graill Redd
The Graill Redd Liberals have announced that their campaign to clear the Graill Redd system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the communists operating in the system. Authori…
Community Goal: Federal Expansion Campaign Begins
The Future of Segovan, a Federal organisation based in the Segovan system, has announced plans to construct a number of new Federal Naval outposts, starting in Segovan and reaching out into the Pleiades sector. The bases will serve as resupply points …
Galactic News: Jaques Station on the Mend
Only a week after an independent mission was launched to bring aid to Jaques Station, personnel at the starport have reported that limited repairs have been completed. A member of the station’s technical team confirmed that meta-alloys had been used to…
Community Goal: The Rise to Power Continues
The first stage of the Rise to Power campaign is over, and the second is about to begin. This phase of the competition will focus on what has been euphemistically referred to as commodity reallocation, with pilots being asked to gather as many technic…
Alliance Tournament XIV: Rules and Signups
Hello Competitive Pilots! With the Alliance Member cutoff for teams wishing to participate in Alliance Tournament XIV now having passed, we are able to reveal the ruleset for this year’s contest. There are a few changes from last year, with the main changes summarized below and the full ruleset following. Please note that this ruleset…
DevBlog: Alliance Tournament XIV: Rules and Signups
Hello Competitive Pilots! With the Alliance Member cutoff for teams wishing to participate in Alliance Tournament XIV now having passed, we are able to reveal the ruleset for this year’s contest. There are a few changes from last year, with the main changes summarized below and the full ruleset following. Please note that this ruleset…