Month: July 2016

  • Galactic News: Imperial Ships to Enter Merope

    Following a recent statement from Senator Zemina Torval in which the seasoned politician criticised the deployment of Federal battlecruisers in the Merope system, Admiral Denton Patreus has entered the debate. At a hastily organised press conference on…

  • Advisory: Check Automatic Payment Settings

    Hello Players In the 118.6 Release 1.6 patch, we fixed an issue where some of the “Automatic Pay Settings” checkboxes in the wallet UI could sometimes show up as checked on the client, even though there were not actually set on the server. As this fix has not changed the existing settings on the server,…

  • Powerplay: Incoming Update

    At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…

  • Spectrum Spectator

    Lars and Daisy discuss and review all the latest vids on the spectrum. This week they take a look at Make It Count, Fake Outs and Lost Squad.

  • Jonny Pew: Should You Do Mining Challenges?

    Are mining challenges worth a try? Our good friend Jonny Pew put on his thinking cap and explored the exciting and dangerous world of mining missions from the point of view of a non-mining character.

  • Galactic News: Weekly Security Report

    This report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown: Future of Segovan Clan of Bjorti Convoumia Nationals LTT 1353 Life Industry Movement for Uzumeru Pa…

  • BTS: The DevOps Team

    Learn about Star Citizen’s DevOps team keeps the servers running and the patches coming!

  • EN24 Political Update & Highlights – Week 27

    Hello Everyone this is my first EN24 Political update in which we’ll cover the latest EVE Online corporation alliance and coalition changes and try to give some context to it in hopes of providing clearer picture of the current EVE Online political map. This week’s the update will be fairly short but I promise the…

  • Freelance Report: Taskforce Athena Locks Down Segovan

    In a move likely to further inflame relations between the superpowers, a coalition of Empire-aligned Commanders has declared the Segovan system a no-fly zone. Ramsbottom Hub, the site of an ongoing Federation construction project, has been placed in se…

  • Galactic News: Federal Campaign Resumes

    Four days ago, the Federation launched a campaign to construct a new Federal outpost in the Segovan system. Federally aligned pilots were invited to contribute construction materials to the campaign, but the request proved controversial, with various sections of the galactic community asking why the Federation was expanding towards the Pleiades sector. Not long after…