Join STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk twice this week for more STO Livestream…
Join STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk twice this week for more STO Livestream adventures! Our faithful crew will be broadcasting live as we make a quick visit to Risa, level up Smirkette and answer Q & A from our players! Read more details and sc…
Hailing all Captains! In this exciting Season 9 Dev Blog, Executive Producer Ste…
Hailing all Captains! In this exciting Season 9 Dev Blog, Executive Producer Stephen D’Angelo reveals details about some of the new changes coming in Season 9.5! Read more about it in the latest Season 9 Dev Blog found here: http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/5007693
Happy Captain Picard Day! Celebrate Captain Jean-Luc Picard today by replying wi…
Happy Captain Picard Day! Celebrate Captain Jean-Luc Picard today by replying with your favorite Picard quote or image, or if you are crafty, send us photos of your homemade creations in honor of one of Starfleet’s finest officers!
Read up on changes coming to starbases here.
Read up on changes coming to starbases here.Starbase changes for Crius – EVE Communitycommunity.eveonline.comEve Online is the world’s largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game.
Starbase changes for Crius
Hello space ladies and gentlemen. While you are all enjoying the new content available in Kronos, we would like to draw your attention to what’s coming up in Crius, our next release. This blog is specifically about tweaks and changes related to player-owned starbases, and while some of the information you’ll see here may previously have…
Just a couple of the little things coming in Crius: flag yourself as exempt from…
Just a couple of the little things coming in Crius: flag yourself as exempt from fleet warp and fit (but not online) modules without the required skill[Crius] Little things from Team Super Friends – Test Server Feedback – EVE Online Forumsforums.eveonl…
VO 1.8.295
VO 1.8.295 includes:- Conquerable station defense turrets no longer fire on access key holders while the are leaving the sector.- Friendly-fire deaths caused by Avalon explosions no longer kick players out of Border Skirmish missions.- Added experiment…
Movin’ movin’ cruisin’ cruisin’
As we mentioned in the previous post, ever since the Steam launch we’ve been busy working on getting new hosting. Over the last week we’ve finally received all the paperwork and hardware accesses to start the process: On June 16th (Monday), startin…
Would have been a better setup for a gatecamp. From http://bit.ly/TUHtGP
Would have been a better setup for a gatecamp. From http://bit.ly/TUHtGPUnique EVE Setups
It’s almost time for CaptainSmirk’s Friday the 13th Livestream! Join us as we br…
It’s almost time for CaptainSmirk’s Friday the 13th Livestream! Join us as we brave the mysteries of Hearts & Minds as well as the fun on the pleasure planet of Risa! Grab your Horg’hans and your dancing swimsuit and maybe even do some surfing! Join us on Twitch in just about 1 hour: http://www.twitch.tv/perfectworld_community