Patch notes for Kronos
Patch notes for Kronos 1.4 Released on Tuesday, June 24th, 2014 FIXES Gameplay Fixed a bug in the recruitment window that caused the corporation window to break in rare cases Graphics Fixed camera-centering on Amarr System Stargates Audio Mordu ships should now have functioning ship sounds Click/pop removed from many booster sounds …
Our fantastic Australian community just had a meet-up in Brisbane. Is anyone org…
Our fantastic Australian community just had a meet-up in Brisbane. Is anyone organizing a gathering in your area? http://bit.ly/1pIeUYN
Last week’s roundup highlighted starbase and API changes as well as the Alliance…
Last week’s roundup highlighted starbase and API changes as well as the Alliance Tournament XII teams.This Week in EVE #49 – Week 25/2014 – EVE Information Portal – EVE Online Forumsforums.eveonline.comEVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players.
Missed #STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk’s Livestream Q & A about the upcoming…
Missed #STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk’s Livestream Q & A about the upcoming Season 9.5 Crafting update? Check out our Twitch recorded version of the show at the following link: http://www.twitch.tv/perfectworld_community/profile/pastBroadcasts
New Countries For EVE Store Shipping!
We are happy to announce that our partners at Musterbrand have just added several new countries to their shipping range for the EVE Store! You can now have EVE goodies delivered to the following countries, in addition to those already offered: Indonesia South Korea South Africa Turkey Ukraine Taiwan This also includes our offer of…
Eclipse. Pub crawl. Spaceship camaraderie. It’s going to be a magical Fanfest! T…
Eclipse. Pub crawl. Spaceship camaraderie. It’s going to be a magical Fanfest! Take advantage of early bird pricing and get your ticket now. http://fanfest.eveonline.com/
Hailing all Captains! We are pleased to announce that from now until Thursday,…
Hailing all Captains! We are pleased to announce that from now until Thursday, July 10th 2014 at 10AM PDT, we’re having a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions! Now is the perfect time to pick up your subscription to become a Gold Member forever! Check out more information on the sale and all the great benefits here:…
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back i…
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back in-game!
With Alliance Tournament XII fast approaching, it’s time to introduce you to thi…
With Alliance Tournament XII fast approaching, it’s time to introduce you to this year’s contenders. Read the new dev blog from CCP Gargant to find out more.Alliance Tournament XII – Teams revealed – EVE Communitycommunity.eveonline.comEve Online is the world’s largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online…
Alliance Tournament XII – Teams revealed
Here we are at last! The Tournament Team has detailed the rules and format, teams have signed up to meet and do glorious battle in beautiful space as well as have access to a tournament practice server, there shall be pretty faces with witty voices saying clever things, and fantastic prizes for all. Alliance Tournament XII…