Only few hours left to vote for the CSM!
The voting booths for the 7th Council of Stellar Management elections close today at midnight (March 20, 23:59 UTC), so there are only few hours left to cast your vote! The final list of candidates is available here.
Exploit notification from Lead GM Grimmi
It has come to our attention that some players are making use of a broken game mechanic involving web modules preventing people from warping, for the purpose of killing them. This is a clear exploit and anyone found abusing this will be dealt wit…
EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.3 patch for Mac updated
The Mac client for Crucible 1.5.3 has been repaired and Mac users can patch normally. If you are currently trying to patch and it is not succeeding, simply restart the launcher.
EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.3 to be deployed on Tuesday, March 20
EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.3 will be deployed on Tuesday, March 20, during an extended downtime. The server will go down at 11:00 and service will resume at 11:40 UTC 11:50 UTC. This update includes fixes for a number of issues introduced in Crucible 1.5…
The unnamed developer who sent me this to post must have serious dance plans for…
The unnamed developer who sent me this to post must have serious dance plans for the Fanfest party.EVE Online Incarna Character Emotion Joke Testwww.youtube.comWhen brilliant developers turn their dark hearts to evil. http://play.eveonline.com/
Following Fanfest from home? We’ll be updating this page but even more often the…
Following Fanfest from home? We'll be updating this page but even more often the @eveonline Twitter account and the #evefanfest hash tag.EVE Online (@EveOnline) on Twittertwitter.comSign up for Twitter to follow EVE Online (@EveOnli…
Less than 24 hours left for the Council of Stellar Management Elections, the mos…
Less than 24 hours left for the Council of Stellar Management Elections, the most important elections for internet spaceships in the history of internet spaceships. Less than a minute of your time can help determine parts of YourEVE over the next yea…
This week’s Captain’s Log column at Massively focuses on the Foundry. Read it th…
This week's Captain's Log column at Massively focuses on the Foundry. Read it through the link below.Captain's Log: Focus on the Foundry | Massivelymassively.joystiq.comJoystiq
Massively Focuses on the Foundry
Link to the forum post