We just added a new wallpaper to the #STO gallery! Download the new “In Enemies,…
We just added a new wallpaper to the #STO gallery! Download the new “In Enemies, Find Allies” wallpaper today here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/wallpapers
Hello Captains! What tier have you achieved in the Nukara Strikeforce Reputation…
Hello Captains! What tier have you achieved in the Nukara Strikeforce Reputation System?
Massively.com has posted news that announces details about the “Hangin’ with the…
Massively.com has posted news that announces details about the “Hangin’ with the Devs” event that they, Trek Radio, STOked Radio & Jupiter Station TV and Priority One Podcast are hosting at this year’s Star Trek Las Vegas (STLV) convention. Check out the news article here: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07/26/meet-the-star-trek-online-devs-in-las-vegas/
Hello Captains! If you could snap your fingers and add one Star Trek actor or ac…
Hello Captains! If you could snap your fingers and add one Star Trek actor or actresses and their VO to #STO, who would it be and why?
The Tal Shiar Lock Box is our best lock box yet! Check out images of all the ite…
The Tal Shiar Lock Box is our best lock box yet! Check out images of all the items that you have the possibility of winning or buying from the Lobi store here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=947621
We’ve added a new screenshot to the #STO gallery! Space: the final frontier. The…
We’ve added a new screenshot to the #STO gallery! Space: the final frontier. These are YOUR voyages… Check out the full-size image here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/screenshots
Thanks for your patience, Captains. The website and forums are back up!
Thanks for your patience, Captains. The website and forums are back up!
We’re currently experiencing an issue with our website and are working to resolv…
We’re currently experiencing an issue with our website and are working to resolve it ASAP. Thanks for your patience!
Priority One Podcast recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the #STO team….
Priority One Podcast recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the #STO team. In this week’s episode, they interview Executive Producer Daniel Stahl. Check it out here: http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one-episode-136-stahlwart/
Trek Radio has posted a press release that announces more details about the two…
Trek Radio has posted a press release that announces more details about the two #STO panels, including the list of panelists, that will be held at this year’s Star Trek Las Vegas (#STLV) convention. Read it here: http://www.trekradio.net/warp-speed-ahead-stlv/