#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back i…
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back in-game!
Our weekly scheduled #STO maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for…
Our weekly scheduled #STO maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 3 hours and will post again once it is complete. Thanks!
Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomo…
Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomorrow, August 1st, at 7AM PDT. Downtime is estimated at 3 hours, and patch notes can be found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=812291
Hello Captains! If you could add one patch note of your choice to a future set o…
Hello Captains! If you could add one patch note of your choice to a future set of #STO patch notes, what would it be? (e.g. Q is now President of the Federation, the _____ class ship has been added to the game, etc.)
Massively.com’s #STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios t…
Massively.com’s #STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the team. In this week’s Captain’s Log entry, she continues recapping her interview with Executive Producer Daniel Stahl. Read the column here: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07/29/captains-log-interview-with-star-trek-onlines-daniel-stahl-p/
Priority One Podcast recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the #STO team….
Priority One Podcast recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the #STO team. In this week’s episode, they interview Lead Content Designer Charles Gray. Check it out here: http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one-episode-137-tea-charles-grey-hot/
Check out @Zurganus79’s Romulan crew! Tweet us screens of your various #STO crew…
Check out @Zurganus79’s Romulan crew! Tweet us screens of your various #STO crews to twitter.com/TrekOnlineGame.
Hi Captains! Did you know that you can earn free ZEN for #STO by completing spec…
Hi Captains! Did you know that you can earn free ZEN for #STO by completing special offers? Visit our official website to learn more: http://offers.perfectworld.com/ Based on your feedback, we’ve made our OfferWall better than ever! Still have questions or concerns? Check out this blog with answers: http://www.perfectworld.com/news/?p=932201
We’re giving away a General Admission Weekend ticket** for next week’s Star Trek…
We’re giving away a General Admission Weekend ticket** for next week’s Star Trek Las Vegas Convention! “Comment” on this post by Monday, August 5th, 2013 at 11:59 AM PDT to enter for a chance to win the “prize*”. *Rules and restrictions apply, please click on this link for full details: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=949091
We are having an in-game Community Floater Hide and Seek Event this week! We hop…
We are having an in-game Community Floater Hide and Seek Event this week! We hope to see you all there! More information can be found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=809671