February 2947 Subscriber Flair!
February 2947 Subscriber Flair…
Around the Verse
Discover how a ship like the Drake Buccaneer goes through our production pipeline. Sandi Gardiner and Forrest Stephan host this episode, which also features an update from Jake Ross in our Austin studio.
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Congress Now: The Kossi Amendment
Senator Suj Kossi (U-Elysium) proposes an amendment intended to stop the smuggling of Tevarin artifacts out of the Kabal System.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Subscriber Flash Sale!
Sabre Comet Subscriber Sale!…
Around the Verse
Mark Abent takes on a problem where Star Marine stalls when a player respawns. Is it the skeletons or skins to blame for this bug? Watch this episode of Bugsmashers to discover the ultimate fix to make Star Marine run more smoothly.
Today’s DISCOVERED reveals the discovery of the mysteriously lost ship Goodman.