Citizens of the Stars
Star Citizen Alpha 2.6.1 is LIVE
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the February 2017 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Spectrum Alpha is Live!
Spectrum is a real-time communication web application built specifically for Star Citizen, that brings the in-game fiction out of the game and into your everyday lives.
Around the Verse
On this episode of Bugsmashers, Mark Abent highlights a bit of optimization. Learn how adjusting Player move requests when seated or in a ship improves the game’s performance.
Stoddard Research Center
This poll is intended only for registered ship owners. If you believe you have received this survey in error, we apologize and kindly ask that you disregard this comm.
V-Day Sale: Love is in the Air (and Space)
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars