This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Happy Hour Interview
Jared Huckaby sits down with designers Will Maiden and Gareth Bourn from Foundry 42 UK to discuss Cargo and other game systems coming in Alpha 3.0. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Around the Verse
In this super-sized episode, Mark Abent battles a bug that makes placing cargo impossible when entering a vehicle from a different coordinate system. Will this be the bug that gets the best of him?
DISCOVERED: The Best Mistake
Today’s DISCOVERED takes a look at the initial exploration of the mysterious Hades system.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Monthly Studio Report: June 2017
Around the Verse
Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner host this week’s episode, which explores how we craft our procedural moons. Plus, there’s an extensive update from our F42 offices in the UK. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions