Plain Truth: Shadow State
On this episode, Parker Terrell weighs in with his thoughts on the Advocacy’s investigation into the failed assassination of Imperator Costigan.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the July 2017 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Rough and Tumbril
Around the Verse
Sandi Gardiner and Will Weissbaum host this week’s episode, which focuses on kiosk and commodities coming in 3.0 and beyond. Plus, Brian Chambers provides an update from F42 Frankfurt. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Behold the Cyclone
Cyclone Presale…
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Archivist Cherie Heiberg tours the Centauri System. She provides scientific insight and historical context to this fascinating system. Remember that you can always explore the Star Citizen Universe yourself in our web-based Ark Star Map.
KAIZEN: Commodities Chaos
Aaron Schere provides a Market Breakdown and investigates how HuXa is causing volatility in the commodities market.
This Week in Star Citizen