Showdown: “Historical Context”
Today’s debate focuses on how to handle the controversial legacy of former Aegis Dynamics CEO Hana Chan.
The Discourse – Multiple Damaged Drifter Fleets Spotted Across New Eden
Multiple damaged Drifter fleets were spotted in New Eden and Anoikis during the last weekend. The fleets encountered are the largest concentration of Drifter battleships since the Throne Worlds campaign in YC118 and the message of Hilen Tukoss in YC116…
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are on the brink of closure: Yurchikhin Ring, 41 Lambda Hydrae Trumpler Dock , Magec
Dev Blog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement of EVE Voice
We’re fast approaching the half way mark of the Second Decade of EVE Online and as part of the preparations for the Third Decade, here at CCP we’re looking at how to strengthen the foundations of EVE and build on updating and optimizing the EVE Online …
Calling All Devs
This Week in Star Citizen
Dev Post: * New Ship * [March] The Monitor Flag Cruiser
Hello folks! This thread will serve as the discussion point for a new ship scheduled for the upcoming March release: the Monitor-class Flag Cruiser. The goal of the Flag Cruiser class is to provide a new specialized tool for fleet commanders in large b…
Dev Blog: Balance Changes Coming In The March Release!
Hello Ship Balance Fans! The February release has just landed and hopefully many of you are busy working out new Assault Frigate fits and Assault Damage Control doctrines, but we are already looking forward to March where we have another package of shi…
EVE Online’s Gerontocracy. How can we deal with it?
EVE is a gerontocracy. That is, old people govern it. Well, no – because all major alliance CEOs are probably all under 50. Old capsuleers govern EVE. Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of when major power players were ‘born’: UAxDEATH (2005) – DRF…
Last One Out, Turn Off The Lights
I guess I should say something. If for nothing else, for the fact that there’s nothing left to lose here. It’s been a few weeks now that the “main” Perpetuum server is no longer running, which I suppose is the symbolic conclusion of the development…