Greetings Citizens,
Last week, we released our first concept ship in 2018 – the Aegis Vulcan. Serving as an entry point into three Star Citizen professions, the Vulcan is designed to assist all vessels in trouble. Currently only available as an Early Bird offer, everyone will have the chance to add one of these versatile Aegis Dynamics support ships to their fleet on Thursday, February 22nd.
Also, if you haven’t already, we highly recommend watching last week’s fantastic Reverse the Verse episode featuring Lead System Designer Dan Trufin and Star Citizen Live Director Todd Papy from our Foundry office in Frankfurt, answering gameplay system questions posted by you, the Star Citizen community. Check it out for news about mining, salvaging, exploration, and much more!
With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Monday Jared will boot up his classic Skype for a new episode of Calling All Devs. This week, we have questions about Scanning Mechanics, the BMM, and multiple character slots! Watch the episode here.
Tuesday is lore day! The Lore Team will publish another in-fiction story to help cure your craving for more Star Citizen lore. Check out previously published lore posts here.
Wednesday: We have a quick cooling down period. Bugsmashers is taking a short break, but we’ll see Mark Abent’s return on February 28th!
Thursday will see an all new episode of Around the Verse that you won’t want to miss!
Friday: Make sure to tune in to our Twitch Channel at for a new episode of Reverse the Verse. This time host Jared Huckaby welcomes Lead Technical Designer John Crewe and Art Director Paul Jones for an episode focusing on the Aegis Vulcan and ship development from design to concept!
That’s all for this week, citizens. We’ll see you in the ‘Verse!
Ulf Kuerschner
Community Manager
The Weekly Community Content Schedule
Calling All Devs (
Weekly Lore Post (
Star Citizen: Around the Verse (
Vault Update
Reverse the Verse – Aegis Vulcan Edition (
Roadmap Update
RSI Newsletter
Community Spotlight: February 19th, 2018
When an Outdoor Writer plays Star Citizen by ZebVance
ZebVance, an outdoor writer covering fly fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking recently discovered Star Citizen and decided to start a blog. Give it a read in the community hub.
My travel around Crusader by Zexion
As a semi-professional photographer with an avid love for video games, Zexion tries to combine his two passions. Check out the amazing results.