Category: EVE News 24

  • Battle Report: Diamond Dust. Vs Griefers

    Diamond Dust. received the declaration of war from Concord against us by Stuhlkreis [STUHL] on February 4th after monitoring another war they were fighting in Siyi was noticed. As the time fighting could occur on the 5th we started moving combat ships from across New Eden to our home system. On the 5th one of…

  • Watch This: The Art of Poor

    John Drees of Honorable Third Party presents a blend of philosophy, pvp expertise and strategy in his well made mini-series with more on the way. John Drees is the leader of Honorable Third Party, an alliance devoted to asymmetric warfare primarily in the southern regions of Providence, Catch and Curse. “There’s a lot of complaining…

  • Syndicate: Imperium Capital Force Ambushed in 3KNK-A

    3KNK-A system, Syndicate region. On the 9th of February at 13:40 EVE Standard Time, a small Imperium capital force was ambushed by Syndicate residents and makeshift allies, leading to its inevitable destruction. The force had been assembled as part of the Imperium’s attempt to combat the operations of alliances such as Psychotic Tendencies. [TISHU] and…

  • Devblog: Structure fitting in the EVE: Citadel expansion

    Welcome to another blog on the upcoming Citadel expansion by Team Game of Drones. It’s been a while since we last discussed the Citadel feature and we felt some update was sorely needed. So come on in, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show. Just stay clear of that mushroom-shaped house in the corner, that’s…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Clash in Aedald

    Aedald system, Molden Heath region. On the 7th of February at 6:40 EVE Standard Time, DropBear Sanctuary [DROP] and allies clashed with Rabble Alliance [RABLE] forces and their allies over a tower in the system. The Molden Heath region has seen in recent weeks an influx of alliances settling in, which in turn caused a…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #28

    The passing week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From recruitment videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 EVE Online – Nightmare VS FW Gang by Bob Smith One particular Nightmare pilot attempts to defend his system…

  • EvE-Scout Enclave: PvP-Free EVE Online

    It’s no secret that EVE Online is filled with psychopaths and sociopaths. There’s a bloodlust that fills the very hearts and souls of many of the capsuleers that journey through New Eden. Within this world of constant PvP, there are a few that carve out their style of gameplay. They refuse to play the game…

  • Stasis Grapplers Changes: The Good, The Bad and The Meh…

    CCP Fozzie has become something of the father of EVE controversy, being the one to announce some of the most contentious updates in the game over his tenure. While, so far, not inciting as much internet rage as the infamous Fozzie-sov, the changes have brought in folks from every major sphere of EVE to compare…

  • BLOG: Curses! Im In My POD: PVP and Trading – January 2016 Report

    The following blog was written by Pleniers who is a member of Appetite 4 Destruction. He writes his own blog which you can check out here! In 2016 I’m going to try making something different, and put together a PVP/Trade Report. It’s much information to try gathering, so not sure how long I’ll keep the…

  • DevPost: Heavy Stasis Grapplers

    Friends, pilots, capsuleers, lend me your ears! Today we’re ready to discuss a new module that we are planning on releasing in our March patch. I’m excited to see how you creative pilots take advantage of them, esp solo/small gang BS pilots who should get a lot of value from them. The Stasis Grappler module…