Category: EVE News 24

  • The Relativity of Victory

    In most games the metrics used to determine who won and who lost is fairly certain. When your king is in checkmate, you lose. When you kill more tanks than the enemy kills of you, you win. However, the nature of Eve is that the victory is not determined so easily. “Didn’t want that anyway”…

  • Pandemic Horde relocates to Black Rise: Targets SMA ISK income.

    Pandemic Horde [REKT] have announced that they will be relocating to the already bursting at the seams Black Rise area and will be targeting the Fade region, currently held by Imperium force, SpaceMonkey’s Alliance [SMA]. [SMA] have held the majority of the Fade region since 2013 and view it as their primary home region, and…

  • Video: Brutix Navy Issue pvp!

    Mark Fjord showing off his amazing brutix navy issue pvp! He uses the following fit in his adventure: [Brutix Navy Issue, Hull Tanked] Damage Control II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II 50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I Fleeting Propulsion…

  • Venal: Another Skirmish Fought in MC6-5J

    MC6-5J system, Venal region. On the 14th  of February at 21:00 EVE Standard Time, Imperium forces clashed once more with a loose coalition of alliances over a tower in the system. As part of the war between RAZOR Alliance [-RZR-] and Venal region resident alliance Out of Sight. [OOS], the latter had reinforced a tower…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #29

    The passing week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From recruitment videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Decayed Orbit – February so far by tomrossh A nice video depicting the exploits of Decayed Orbit [N-1] in…

  • Video: EVE Online Weekly: Febuary 16, 2016

    Hendrick Tallardar created an amazing video, showing you everything that happend this week in  EVE Online. I really liked the video and I hope you do too!

  • CARE4KIDS: Looking for German representative!

    Maybe it is a German cultural thing, but so far EVE related charity hasn’t appealed to me. Charity projects don’t become inherently better just because they are run by somebody from the EVE Community. This is just my personal opinion and I don’t want to talk you out of donating to such a project. But…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Major Clash in Jan

    Jan system, Lonetrek region. On the 9th of February, a large battle took place in the system between the Imperium and a loose coalition of alliances, culminating in more than 400 ships destroyed for 200 billion ISK of damage. The battle was fought over a Circle-Of-Two [CO2] tower, reinforced by Snuffed Out [B B C]…

  • Event: Blank Character Out Maxes All Skills via Skill Injectors in a Single Sitting.

    ISK IronBank of the ISK-gambling website has just maxed out a three day old pilot with every skill in EVE through the use of skill injectors. The ISK trillionaire created his pilot under the name of IronBank and injected all of the skills and points over the course of about an hour on his…

  • Submission: How to Sabre 101

    Demeisen Atreides received a bunch of requests for Sabre/dictor tips so I thought I would make a video illustrating some of the best ones I have picked up while learning over the past month and a half. First time narrating in a video so let me know how much it sucked or give me tips…