Category: Elite Dangerous

  • Galactic News: Weekly Health Report

    This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: Union of Ipet Tolun Silver United Ltd Palliyar Organisation Felkan League Tujing Jet Brothers Party of Gu…

  • Galactic News: Palin Announces Development

    Professor Ishmael Palin, founder and former director of the Palin Institute, has released a statement concerning his ongoing research into meta-alloys. “I have discovered previously unidentified properties that could make the meta-alloys ideally suited to the development of robust new materials – materials that could be used to great effect in combat starships.” “My research…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Security Report

    This report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown: Nenexo Blue Netcoms Solutions Union of Aparctias Future LTT 569 Justice Party Zeus Bureau Bitjala …

  • Powerplay: Incoming Update

    At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report

    This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Cemiess Commodities Allied FK5 2550 Autocracy Ngaledi Federal Corporation Ross 490 Mafia Tau-…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

    This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Sirius Free Camumba Partners United Macushi Democrats Bureau of Taunetes Samkyha S…

  • Galactic News: MetaDrive Acquired by Sirius Corporation

    Board members of MetaDrive Inc. today announced the sale of MetaDrive Inc. to the Sirius Corporation. Rosaline Merden, acting Chair of MetaDrive, was clearly pleased with the outcome. At a press conference, she said: “The board of MetaDrive wholeheart…

  • Galactic News: Patreus Rails against London Treaty

    Commentators have reacted with surprise and dismay to a speech from Admiral Denton Patreus at a military tattoo on Achenar, in which he spoke in strident tones about the London Treaty. The treaty, established in 3278, imposes limits on capital-ship con…

  • Freelance Report: The SHEPARD Mission

    In honour of Alan Shepard, the second human being to enter space, a group of independent pilots has announced a galactic endurance expedition. The SHEPARD Mission (Stellar Heliographic Expedition for Proto-Astronomical Reconnaissance and Discovery) wil…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

    This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: LFT 1448 Federal Industries Purple Dynamic Incorporated Citizen Party of Argel Argel Universal Solutions R…