Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems:
Sirius Free
Camumba Partners
United Macushi Democrats
Bureau of Taunetes
Samkyha State Network
Partnership of Coelans
Marquis du Ma’a
Booze Brothers
Li Chi Empire Consulate
Pauline’s People’s Party
Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced.
Here are the latest factions in withdrawal:
Progressive Party of Bolg
Barons of Medzisti
Mianomama Electronics Company
Jarnae Independent Protectorate
Karbudj PLC
Blue Dynamic Inc
Union of Valtys Independents
Social FAUST 2688 Confederation
Conian Noblement
Hirpasuk Guardians of Tradition
Factions are considered to be in withdrawal if their level of influence within a system drops below a certain level. If the faction’s influence remains low for a total of five days, the faction must leave the system entirely. If the faction manages to increase its level of influence, it remains in the system.