We have just released information about the fourth Embassy Featured Project! Rea…
We have just released information about the fourth Embassy Featured Project! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below.Season 7 Dev Blog #39sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the Star Tre…
MJOLNIR! Pure EM Damage.
MJOLNIR! Pure EM Damage.Boeing Now Has A Missile That Destroys Only Electronics And Leaves All Else Intactwww.businessinsider.com"We made science fiction into science fact."
Executive Producer Daniel Stahl recently sat down to talk to DigiBytes about the…
Executive Producer Daniel Stahl recently sat down to talk to DigiBytes about the future of STO. Check out the written interview through the link below.DigiBytes Interviews dStahlsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts …
Boston we are coming for you. March 23rd EVE/DUST player gathering at PAX East.
Boston we are coming for you. March 23rd EVE/DUST player gathering at PAX East.CCP Player Gathering – Bostonnewedencomestoboston.eventbrite.comCCP will have a big booth at PAX East this year and we'd like to ask EVE pilots and DUST mercs in the Bo…
What do you think of this advice for new players?
What do you think of this advice for new players?10 Days Into Eve, Some Thoughts and Observations New Players Might Find Helpful : Evewww.reddit.com**Introduction** Hello all, I started playing Eve about 10 days ago and when I did I went looking for an…
We are having an in-game Community Vault Shuttle Event this week! More informati…
We are having an in-game Community Vault Shuttle Event this week! More information can be found through the link below. We hope to see you all there!Community Vault Shuttle Event – February 28th – 2 Timeslots (GMT and PST/EST) – Star Trek Onlinesto-for…
We just added a new wallpaper to the STO gallery. Download the new incredible, f…
We just added a new wallpaper to the STO gallery. Download the new incredible, full-size "To Boldly Go" wallpaper today here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/wallpapers
STO RP Fleet The Trust provides an update on the upcoming RP Roundtable event th…
STO RP Fleet The Trust provides an update on the upcoming RP Roundtable event that is being held this weekend. Read about it now through the link below.Role-playing Roundtable Updatesto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that p…
In this week’s episode of STOked Radio, Mav and Irish sat down to talk with Star…
In this week's episode of STOked Radio, Mav and Irish sat down to talk with Star Trek Online Executive Producer Daniel Stahl. Watch it now through the link below.STOked Radio Interviews dStahlsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-…
Hello Captains! Picard or Kirk?
Hello Captains! Picard or Kirk?