We have just released information about the fourteenth Starbase Featured Project…
We have just released information about the fourteenth Starbase Featured Project! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below. http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=832821
o7 old friend.
o7 old friend.End of an EON: EON Magazine Says "Farewell"community.eveonline.comIssue #030 of EON magazine, which we released as a digital publication in January, is going to be the last issue ever.
End of an EON: EON Magazine says “Farewell”
The contents of this blog were written by Zapatero and CCP Unifex Issue #030 of EON magazine, which we released as a digital publication in January, is going to be the last issue ever. In spite of continued efforts to reverse a…
Making the case for Battlescape
Needless to say the response to the 2012 retrospective has been overwhelming. There have been many passionate arguments made in support of and against building Infinity: Battlescape (I:B). We would like to take…
“Some will fall.” http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
"Some will fall." http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
Let the serious business of internet space politicking continue! Come forth ye g…
Let the serious business of internet space politicking continue! Come forth ye great leaders and toss your hat in the ring.EVE Dev Blog: CSM8 – Candidacy Applications Now Opencommunity.eveonline.comAs announced in an earlier Dev Blog, the candidacy per…
CSM8 – Candidacy Applications Now Open
As announced in an earlier Dev Blog, the candidacy period for the next Council of Stellar Management (CSM) election is now open, and if you’re interested in running for a seat on the council please fill out the form here and be sure to …
Heading to MegaCon in Orlando this weekend? Check out the article through the li…
Heading to MegaCon in Orlando this weekend? Check out the article through the link below to learn about how you can obtain a special in-game Duty Officer and character title for attending.MegaCon 2013sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-…
Hello Captains! If you had the chance, would you prefer to serve on a space stat…
Hello Captains! If you had the chance, would you prefer to serve on a space station or a starship?
Joey Godard from the Vancouver Film School used our trailer in his project for s…
Joey Godard from the Vancouver Film School used our trailer in his project for sound re-design assignment, including an original score and new voice over. Check it out.Dust 514 Sound Redesignvimeo.comThis is my final project done through Vancouver Film…