EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2013-03-22 21:15:37
The Battle For Caldari PrimeOne Universe // One War
Play with the devs on the test server, Tribble today at 4pm PDT! Take on the Cr…
Play with the devs on the test server, Tribble today at 4pm PDT! Take on the Crystalline Entity with an army of STO developers! http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=591931Play With the Devs Event – Crystalline Entity [On Tribble] – Star…
Check out what 1951 days of EVE Online sovereignty looks like. Read the story be…
Check out what 1951 days of EVE Online sovereignty looks like. Read the story behind the maps in this community spotlight: http://community.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&nbid=746371951 Days of Eve Online Influence/Sovereignty Map 2007 to Jan 201…
Community Spotlight – Verite Rendition Influence Maps
Introduction Ever since alliances first started conquering space, players have wanted a way to visualize it. Today, one of the most popular resources for seeing who owns what are the Verite Rendition Influence Maps, created by Verite Rendition. &…
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2013-03-22 18:52:16
The Battle For Caldari PrimeOne Universe, One War
Live streaming and commentary from Caldari Prime, right here.
Live streaming and commentary from Caldari Prime, right here.CCPwww.twitch.tvCCP Games
CONCORD vessel destroyed by Caldari Navy in Luminaire.
CONCORD vessel destroyed by Caldari Navy in Luminaire.EVE Online | Newscommunity.eveonline.comBREAKING NEWS – A Marshal-class battleship belonging to CONCORD was engaged and destroyed by the Caldari Navy fleet in orbit of Caldari Prime less than ten …
Population cap in Luminaire, 22nd of March
With Luminaire being a hotbed of activity in New Eden today, we will be ensuring server stability by having a population cap of 1000 players today, March 22nd. This cap has already been enacted, but we will be dynamically altering it as the server lo…
A friendly message from the GM Team regarding current events in Luminaire
The GM Team would like to make it known that due to events that will be occurring in the system of Luminaire over the weekend, ships or capsules destroyed between downtime on Friday, March 22nd (11:00 UTC on 22/03/2013), and Downtime on Saturday Marc…
One Universe // One War
One Universe // One WarThe Battle For Caldari PrimeOne Universe // One War