Fringe Religion Condemns Far God Cult
The Church of Eternal Void has denounced the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. A spokesperson identified as Cardinal Hieronymous made this statement: “As disciples of the Guardians, we hereby declare war on those who have sold the…
Seraph IX Basarab: How Rorquals are Ruining an entire Game.
This may come as something rather obvious to those who have been paying attention. And yet if I it actually was obvious enough, it would have been changed long ago. Anyone that’s been paying attention knows this fact: Rorqual mining is destroying the g…
Portfolio: Imperial Cartography Center
Discover how the Imperial Cartography Center came to chart the stars.
July 2948 Subscriber Flair
July 2948 Subscriber Flair…
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: De Lay Survey, Ahemaker Hurston Platform, Yamahun Malthus Terminal, P…
Awesomesauce: Operation Juoksukalja [Cinematic Story]
Operation Juoksukalja happened during spring 2018, when CCP changed all outposts to Faction Fortizars. Two Finnish wormhole corporations allied with an CeskoSlovenska Aliance invaded a pocket in Etherium Reach. DRF was evacuating the region after suffe…
Watch This: Alliance Tournament explained with Streamfleet & EVE_NT
Alliance Tournament XVI kicks off July 28 and to help you get into the AT spirit, EVE_NT, the co-organizers of AT XVI, and Streamfleet, are doing a weekly live Sunday show on Twitch that we highly recommend! This sunday’s episode will focus on the rules of the tournament which change every year, pitching EVE’s expert…
Dev Blog: New Recruitment Program Kicks Off On July 11!
We’re very happy to announce that an all new recruitment program will enter service on Wednesday, July 11th! This new program replaces the existing recruitment system, offering a whole host of new rewards and incentives including Triglavian Apparel and…