EVE Milwaukee Wisconsin Meetup August 4th
JohnDrees reached out to us in hopes of spreading the word about a smaller “Out of Game Event” for EVE, the Brew City EVE Meet. If you are a fan of EVE in the Milwaukee area, like to meet other fans, and the idea of beer does not send you screaming to …
A Message to the Community
We always wanted No Man’s Sky to grow and develop after it released. I’m happy we’ve been able to do that. I am so proud of the team at Hello Games, what they did was incredible. Over the years of development the average team size was 6, the final team was just 15 people at……
Breaking News: EVE Support Tickets Not Working
“The CAPTCHA verification failed. Please try again,” has been the concluding message players see after attempting to submit support tickets today. It isn’t known at this time when this started, or if it is due to 2018/07/21 – BU…
EVEMon – Affects of ESI
Editor’s note: This article is part of a series based around 3rd party applications and developers. I’m just very late… We previously posted an article showcasing a new mobile application that one of the many capsuleers of New Eden has deve…
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has announced that Admiral George Varma, who was arrested last week on suspicion of working with terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, was in fact framed by Rear Admiral Ri…
PSA: UALX-3 Fleet Fights – Misfiling Of “Stuck” Tickets
Over the course of the last twelve hours, we’ve been made aware of instructions being broadcast by the leaders of several alliances to file “Stuck” support tickets in order to have their capitals, supercarriers and titans moved out of…
Seraph IX Basarab: Busy Little Bee
Hey PL I’ma let you finish (killing TAPI) but Imperium had one of the best come backs of all time. (And you helped them.) Credit where credit is due. Goonswarm and their allies have become a force to be reckoned with yet again. This is due to a c…
Incoming Massive FAX Nerfs
Upcoming changes to FAXs will result in a 37% reduction in local/remote reps. If the percentage wasn’t a clue to just how big the nerf would be, CCP stated, “this is a very large change.” July 18th, 2018 CCP Rise laid out plans for Force Auxiliaries Ba…
Ship Shape
Ship Shape breaks out on it’s own! Host Jared Huckaby takes us on a tour of the ship making their way to the development pipeline with updates on the 890 Jump, the 300 series and an introduction to the new RSI Apollo medical ship.