Kirith Kodachi: For Faction Warfare, It Was Too Little Too Late
Earlier this week, two of the largest and most active alliances in the Caldari Militia have announced their withdrawal from faction warfare: Link And: In response, prominent Gallente Militia leader Julianus Soter wrote a piece bemoaning Cal Mil’s…
CONCORD Was Blind!
Day 2 of GM Week – a Scavenger Hunt begin the day with a GM spotted in Gallente Rookie systems. CCP Customer Support provided clues and fitting information to find the hidden GMs during the day’s event. The event ran for about 5 hours dropp…
Aisling Duval Wedding Cancelled
Federal news channels have announced that the wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Ambassador Jordan Rochester has been cancelled. The statement came from Congress member Isolde Rochester: “The planned wedding between my son Jordan Rochester and He…
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Chiang Port, Gero Kiaku Suri Gateway, Vesuvit Scott Station, HIP 9368…
On The Run
A data heist at a heavily guarded research lab. What could go wrong?
GM Week – CONCORD See Nothing
Aug 20th, the opening day of GM Week – Saw CONCORD continue to turn a blind eye toward Botters, but GM’s, testing their new freedoms, thought capsuleers would be happy to dull out justice. [18:56:00] Odo Korachi > This evening the Directive E…
On behalf of CCP Customer Support I want to welcome you all to GM Week! It‘s been way too long since we, the Game Masters, showed our faces in New Eden and we want to crawl out of our little boxes for a while and join you all on Tranquility for a week …
Remove Jump Freighters, Introduce Force Freighters
Do you remember when you first started playing Eve? You didn’t really quite grasp what the game was fully about and you felt like simply warping from station to a planet was a major endeavor. The sight of watching your ship enter the warp tunnel immers…