March Release To Be Deployed On 2016/03/08 During Extended Downtime!
We are happy to announce that the patch notes are now available for the next EVE Online release, which will be deployed on Tuesday, March 8th in an extended daily downtime. Downtime will begin at the regular time of 11:00 UTC, and will run for a to…
Video: EVE Online February 2016 Nullsec Recap
Check out this January 2016 Nullsec recap video made by Hendrick Tallardar.
Patch Notes for March 2016 Release
Patch Notes for March 2016 Release 1.13 Released on Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 Features & Changes Miscellaneous: Minor updates on the third party EULAs. Patch Notes for March 2016 Release 1.12 Released on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 Features & Changes Miscellaneous: The Honor Guards of the Champions for houses Tash-Murkon and Kor-Azor and their…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data. Here are 10 of the 15,278 minor factions involved in a civil war: NLTT 2969 Partners Prthautas Electronics Ltd Setet Public Exchan…
Powerplay: Weekly Report
This weekly report summarises the recent actions of the galaxy’s movers and shakers in Federal, Imperial, Alliance and Independent spheres of influence. The Federation Last week was a sweeping success for the Federation. Fleets under the command of P…
Skillpoint Gift Delivered During Today’s Daily Downtime!
We are happy to announce that the skillpoint gift mentioned in this news article and CCP Seagull’s latest video blog has been distributed during today’s daily downtime. All characters who had an active skill queue between 2016/02/24 and 2016/03/01 have been awarded 200,000 skillpoints in their unallocated skillpoint pool. For more information on how to…
Weekend Seminars To Provide Capsuleer Education Opportunities
New Eden – Life in New Eden can be very challenging for new pod pilots. Knowing how to fit ships properly, navigating between high security space and low security space, and finding a home within a corporation can all be very daunting to tackle fo…
Star Citizen Alpha 2.2 Available!
Star Citizen Alpha 2.2 Available!…
Molden Heath: DropBear Sanctuary and Iron Armada Clash with FETID in Altbrard
Altbrard system, Molden Heath region. On the 1st of March at 12:40 EVE Standard Time, DropBear Sanctuary [DROP] and Iron Armada [FLEEP] forces clashed with FETID [FETID] over a tower in the system. The two sides have been fighting over the moons of the region ever since FETID moved into Molden Heath after seceding from…