Pure Blind: Major Engagement over C8-CHY Station Timer Sees a Costly Allied Victory
U-INPD system, Pure Blind region. On the 18th of March at 22:30 EVE Standard Time, Imperium and allied forces clashed once more over a series of sovereignty timers, culminating in a major engagement that spilled into neighbouring systems. The battle was prompted by a series of timers created by allied forces, including the first station…
Galactic News: Empire Troubled by Federal Campaign
Last week, Federal President Zachary Hudson announced plans to construct a new Farragut Battle Cruiser in the Federal system of Beta Hydri. The production of the ship was designed to mark the inauguration of a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the P…
First Imperium System Falls to Allied Forces
Another round of fighting between the Imperium and allied forces had produced several new developments in the war, including the first Imperium system to fall to allied hands. 16/3 League of Unaligned Master Pilots Begins Its Assault on Imperium Space The Vale of the Silent region saw further escalation in allied operations, as League of…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Asvincegin Empire Pact Simarasir Dynamic Solutions Volkhabe Blue United Solutions Nepehuevit Empir…
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the March 2016 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Starmap Posters Available!
Rolled physical Starmap posters are now available!
Ship Shape: Welcome Aboard the Starfarer
A special early-bird look at Star Citizen’s next hangar-ready ship!
Flyable Ship Sale
We’re making several limited flyable ships available for sale this weekend!
Squadron 42: Meet Andy Serkis
Meet the man behind Squadron 42’s Vanduul foe!