Community Goal: The Onionhead Clash
The ongoing Federal campaign against Onionhead has taken a new turn with the appointment of an ‘Onionhead tzar’, who will assume overall responsibility for eliminating the drug from Federal space. Edward Bores, a seasoned government official, has assum…
Galactic News: Terraforming Campaign Comes to an End
The Revolutionary Party of Vennik announced that it has received sufficient quantities of terrain-enrichment systems to bring its terraforming project to a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots responded to the organisation’s appeal by delivering the much-needed commodities to Nixon Enterprise. The success of the campaign will allow the organisation to embark on the final phase…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: NLTT 18945 Progressive Party Green Party of Wolf 10 Devane Patrons of Law Wolf 359 Blue Travel Commoditi…
Fleet Fight Notifications & You!
Here at CCP, we know that our players are some of the most enthusiastic people in the universe when it comes to spaceship related warfare and carnage. With this in mind we’d like to make sure that while you guys are all trading ammunition and shrapnel with eachother, you get the best experience possible out…
BTS: Modular Space Stations
Learn about the technology that created Port Olisar… and points beyond!
Finally, I Was There
Just over two years ago was the famous battle of B-R5RB, considered by many to be the largest battle in all of gaming. We all know what happened. It made headlines across the Internet, from Joystiq to Polygon, shining the spotlight on Eve Online. Naturally, this piqued the interest of many gamers, and Eve Online…
Freelance Report: Buckyball Racing Club Announces Total Recall Event
The Buckyball Racing club has announced that it is hosting a ship and buggy race called ‘Total Recall’. The event is being funded by a major manufacturer of SRV tyres in exchange for data on high-speed vehicle handling on a variety of planet surfaces. …
Powerplay: Incoming Update
At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…
Empire Report: Victory on the Vanduul Front
Get the details on Admiral Bishop’s victory on the Vanduul front during tonight’s Empire Report.
Diplomatic Background of Circle-Of-Two’s Departure from the Imperium
Hello my name is Seraph IX Basarab and I’m a member of Psychotic Tendencies. [TISHU] . I’m also what passes for a diplomat for the alliance and that’s actually relevant for the following story. I write opinion articles and this time in particular I have some unique insight on recent events. Before going on read…