Check out EVE: Citadel and join the mass test on Tuesday, April 12, at 17:00 UTC
We invite you to a new mass test featuring parts of the massive EVE: Citadel expansion: Get a head start and check out the new Capital ship and fighter gameplay on our test server on April 12th! Please join the mass test on our test server Sin…
We’re doing IGN First – again!
We have some exciting news to share! We’re doing IGN First once again, making No Man’s Sky the only game to do so for a second time. Needless to say, we’re honoured! It’s kicking off with easily the biggest look at the game to date. Sean recently sat down with IGN’s Ryan McCaffrey to present…
The Vault: Submissions Rundown #3
Another month and another Vault Submission, collecting a few other works which for one reason or another I couldn’t feature in my other articles. Please enjoy: EVE Online: IMPERIUM CRACKS – The Battle of 2DWM-2 | Money Badger Coalition VS Imperium (CFC) Found during my routine reddit search, this video shows the battle of…
Diary of a Capsuleer: Why We Fight
Last night, I had an interesting event happen to me in-game that left me somewhat puzzled. I began to think about the relationships that people tend to have in Eve Online. Someone questioned my loyalty, not in a direct attack or in any way that could be considered derogatory, but more so by their actions as…
Between the Gates: Zedrik Cayne
So I read all the comments from the introduction and I must admit a lot of them were interesting; in that sort of way where you feel like your point just kinda went over some heads. I’ve never said what the undesirables of high-sec do is elite. Though, I will state there are some that…
Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Independents of Mildeptu Workers of TZ Arietis Democrats LHS 3516 Fortune Company Ndjabog Purp…
Space Monkey Alliance have announced in their latest SOTA that they are departing from The Imperium. The Imperium will not be resetting standings, however SMA’s leadership believes that they need a place to rebuild. They have chosen the Outer Ring, as this region is still close enough to their “friends”, the Imperium. The following orders have been given to SMA membership: All corporations taxes are…
*LIVE* SMA Alliance Meeting *LIVE*
Listen in to the Space Monkey Alliance Meeting! Watch live video from propagandaslives on www.twitch.tv
Watch These – War Edition #1
With New Eden in the midst of a war, both sides are working tirelessly to produce propaganda videos to motivate the troops. Here is EVE News 24’s pick for the best propaganda videos in the past month: #1 Fortress Fade by Eyeshoot Media They say hindsight is always 20/20, and in retrospect this video of…