Snuffed Out AUTZ Corps Leave Due To SHDWC AWOX
This morning two corporations; Pure Avarice. [.VERA] and What Could Go Wrong [3MIN.] announced that they would be leaving the Snuffed Out [B B C] alliance. Snuffed Out has been a major part of the Money Badger Coalition, and are engaged in actively fighting the CFC ever since their incursion into low-sec space. Pure Avarice.…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Belianses Silver Partnership Allowa Vision and Co Nuwach Labour Igalalani Independent Consulate M…
Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #31
The passing weeks have supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the month of March: #1 EVE Online: Actual PvP: Mostly Solo Jackdaw Shenanigans! by Banshee Legend’s Pixel Spaceships A nice video of some…
Powerplay: Weekly Report
The Powerplay weekly report summarises the recent activities of the Federation, Empire, Alliance and Independent spheres of influence. The Federation: Federal fleets, under the direction of President Zachary Hudson, focused primarily on protecting Fe…
MISC Prospector Q&A Part 2
MISC Prospector Q&A – Part 2…
Freelance Report: Keeping an Eye on Naval Expansion
On the popular independent talk show ‘Affairs of State’, political commentator Walter Astoria defended the recent construction of a new Alliance outpost while expressing concern about Federal and Imperial naval expansion. “Who cares if the new Alliance outpost is a listening post? The Federation and Empire are building capital ships, and they feel threatened by…
Submission: John Bellicose Memorial Day *TODAY*
Brave is inviting all of EVE to take part in John Bellicose Memorial Day. On April 29, it will have been two years since Brave lost one of our best, brightest and most beloved capsuleers. John Bellicose was a friend, a teacher, an incredible man who inspired all who knew him to enjoy this amazing…
Alliance Tournament Frigate down in Fountain!
On the 27th April 09:57 eve time in the system of EI-O0O in the region of Fountain a Chremoas piloted by Kobald Simbian was downed by forces belonging to The-Culture Kobald Simbian was piloting his brand new Chremoas around the region of Fountain looking for fights when he got more than he bargained for. Trying…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Shanteneri United Limited Ross 199 Law Party Future of Wurango Revolutionary Calea Labour Calea Jet Centra…
Lonetrek: Snuffed Out Forces Suffer a Defeat in Otsasai
Otsasai system, Lonetrek region. On the 26th of April at 17:50 EVE Standard Time, a Snuffed Out [B B C] capital force was destroyed in the system by forces belonging to Stain-Wagon coalition (SW). Since coming to the aid of the Imperium, SW forces have staged from the Otsasai system in the Lonetrek region, neighboring…