Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Social DP Camelopardalis Values Party LFT 361 Independents LFT 78 Patron’s Principles Barons of Ba Nari …
Propaganda Thursday: Spaceship Samurai
Spaceship Samurai has published an amazing video about the capture of the Fade region. Enjoy!
Powerplay: Incoming Update
At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…
Galactic News: Tantalum Appeal Extended
The Wyrd Raiders have announced that their campaign for tantalum has been extended. A spokesperson for the organisation confirmed that this was to ensure targets would be met. In a brief statement, the spokesperson said: “We are extremely grateful fo…
Known Issue – Inability To Access EVE Gate While Docked In Citadels
We have had a number of reports from players who are unable to access EVE Gate and the EVE Online forums while they are docked in player built Citadels throughout New Eden. Our web and development teams have identified this issue, which is occurrin…
TEST Alliance Expand in Vale of the Silent
On May 6th major fighting erupted in the northern Vale of the Silent region, between new settlers TEST Alliance Please Ignore (TEST) and Russian sovereignty holders Infinity Space (IN.SP). Reports from the Vale suggest a disagreement between the two sides escalated on May 5th when TEST diplomats signaled their intention to hold sovereignty over an…
PSA: Daily Downtime Officially Shortened To 15 Minutes! 11:00 – 11:15 UTC
After a period of testing throughout April, we are happy to announce that Tranquility’s daily downtime window is now ready to be officially cut in half from 30 minutes down to 15. Until today, we have advertised daily downtime for the cluster as a 30 minute window during which Tranquility would be offline for maintenance.…
Daily Downtime Officially Shortened To 15 Minutes! 11:00 – 11:15 UTC
After a period of testing throughout April, we are happy to announce that Tranquility’s daily downtime window is now ready to be officially cut in half from 30 minutes down to 15. Until today, we have advertised daily downtime for the cluster as a 30 minute window during which Tranquility would be offline for maintenance. …
StarWatch: Outlet’s In
Callie C announces a new addition to a celebrity family and discusses Casaba Outlet with fashion expert Nisco Hobbins.