Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Aditi Jet Mafia Diaguandri Interstellar LHS 246 Federal Holdings LTT 9846 Limited Sudii Commodities LHS 4…
Video: Honorable Third Party: The Escalation Dysfunction
Honorable Third Party video documenting some carrier kills and downed super carrier.
Community Goal: The Battle of Daramo
The Daramo system is currently under Federal control, but recent reports indicate that both Imperial and independent forces – the latter under the rule of Pirate King Archon Delaine – are attempting to wrest power from the Federation. The Federation is evidently not about to capitulate. In a statement, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy…
Galactic News: Utopian Campaign Concludes
A spokesperson for the technologically progressive enclave Utopia confirmed that its appeal for exploration data has reached a successful conclusion. In a statement, the spokesperson confirmed that the campaign received the enthusiastic support of the …
Galactic News: EG Pilots win Wildcard Competition
The third and final heat of the Dangerous Games Wildcard competition is over. For this stage of the competition, pilots were asked to fill their cargo holds with conductive fabrics and deliver them to Tartarus Point for their chosen faction. Hundreds …
Dev Post: Serpentis Capitals
Hi Space Friends. We’d like to introduce 3 new Serpentis Capitals that will be released with 118.6. There will be available first in the Shadow of the Serpentis event, and later in LP stores. More details about this will be released in a dev blog soon! Dreadnought: Vehement Reacting to the rise of capsuleer capital…
Dev Post: Recurring Opportunity removal
Good day! I’m here to let you know that on Tuesday, in the 118.6 release, we are planning to remove the recurring opportunity “Thrill of the Hunt”. Our hope in releasing this feature was to gain insight on how direct, daily rewards might effect and improve engagement in EVE. I can’t go into too much…
Removal of Thrill of the Hunt with 118.6 Release
After a period of testing during which we have been gathering important metrics on usage and engagement, the recurring opportunity “Thrill of the Hunt”, which provides characters with a boost of 10,000 unallocated skillpoints per day, will be removed with the coming 118.6 release. You can read more about the removal of this recurring opportunity…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Lushertha Silver General Ind Meropis Empire Pact Justice Party of CD-60 31 Kacomam Empire Group Valteki…