The YC118 Crimson Harvest has begun!
We’re happy to announce that The YC118 Crimson Harvest has begun! Will you fight for the newly crowned Empress, or will you chose to stand against capsuleers who seek to disrupt Blood Raider operations in the name of the Empire? Regardless of the path you take, there are riches and rewards on offer. Locate sites…
Battle Report Round Up #22
The past weeks supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of those battles for the past week: 6/10 La Division Bleue and allies versus Odin’s Call and allies An eviction attempt in the J131859 system saw two Proteus strategic cruiser fleets collide as Odin’s Call [ODIN]…
Test EVE Online – Join the mass test on October 18 at 17:00 UTC
Join our next mass test this Tuesday, October 18th, and explore the latest EVE Online features under development! We invite you to join our next mass test on the test server Singularity this Tuesday, October 18th, at 17:00 EVE time (=UTC). D…
Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Vanayequi Independents Federal Congress Annarr Dynamic Corp. LTT 874 Empire Assembly Hu Jona …
Fountain: Major Clash in G95F-H
G95F-H system, Fountain region. On the 15th of October at 6:45 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between The-Culture [-T C-] and Goonswarm Federation [CONDI]. The battle was fought over a tower belonging to The-Culture, containing a titan in build for Escalating Entropy [CHAOS]. The tower, alongside several of its kind in…
Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #34
The passing week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Oijanen – Low sec thunderdome by Quam Singulari With the dust of the battle of Oijanen still settling down,…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Shaplintin Labour Democrats of LTT 9104 Bureau of HR 827 Constitution Party HIP 146…
Low Sec Rumble: Carnage in Oijanen
Oijanen system, The Forge region. On the 13th of October at 18:50 EVE Standard Time, a large scale battle unfolded in the system which saw the demise of 2 Revenant super carriers as well as many capital and sub capital ships in what can only be termed as pure carnage. The battle was prompted by…
October Subscriber Flair!
October Subscriber Flair!…