Galactic News: Appeal for Ancient Data Concludes
A spokesperson for United Meene Labour has announced that its appeal for data from the Synuefe ruins has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Felice Dock, the organisation’s base of op…
Email Verification Coming With EVE Online: Ascension
As part of our ongoing efforts to maximize account security for our pilots and ensure that the incredible amount of time investment you all put into character development is afforded the best protection possible, we will be making some changes …
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Order of Ethgreze Wolf 359 Blue Travel Commodities GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Groombridge 1618 Inc Nu…
Next o7 Show airs November 27 – Can we have your stuff??
This November is one of the more exciting months in EVE’s history with EVE Ascencion launching on the 15th. The o7 crew is looking forward to going over current events on November 27, and as always we want your stuff! The show wouldn’t be the same without player created content whether it’s awesome player created…
Galactic News: Weekly Health Report
This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: Fusang Fortune Commodities Kvenland Services Laedla and Co Bubii Rats Hatmehit Purple Crew Purungurawn Pu…
Powerplay: Incoming Update
At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…
Galactic News: Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Unknown-Artefact related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Irens Dock, Manite von Bellingshausen Port, Almar Haack Gateway, Hal…
TRACKER: Mentorship Program
Today on TRACKER, Garret takes a look at the HotSheet and talks to Eliza Anderson about the Guild’s mentorship program.
Introducing ESI – A new API for EVE Online
Introducing ESI – A new API for EVE Online Note: this devblog is primarily intended for third party developers and technically minded capsuleers. If you’d like to skip over the jargon, scroll to the bottom to find the TL;DR. Team Tech Co. here! We’d like to have a big ol’ chat with you about Making…