Freelance Report: Allitnil Shatters Fuel-Economy Records
A new record has been set by Commander Allitnil, who successfully travelled from Sol to Jaques Station in Colonia without making any stops…or equipping a fuel scoop. The impressive feat took nine days, 5,489 hyperspace jumps and 383 tonnes of hydrog…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Wolf 359 Blue Travel Commodities Lords of Ngaliba Siluruba Purple Transport Ltd Coalition of Ngaliba LHS 3…
Catch: Stain Wagon and Vanguard Clash in UQ-PWD
UQ-PWD system, Catch region. On the 20th of December at 18:11 EVE Standard Time, Vanguard Coalition (VG) and Stain-Wagon (SW) Coalition clashed in the system. The battle was prompted by an Azbel industrial complex owned by The Volition Cult [VOLT]. The structure had been reinforced repeatedly by VG forces, and was exiting its final reinforcement…
Galactic News: Wildlife Reserve Campaign Concludes
Media outlets in the LP 339-7 system have reported that the Starship Enterprises Corporation wildlife reserve campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of independent pilots supported the campaign by delivering essential commodities to Wh…
Community Goal: Festive Appeal
Many cultures choose to mark the end of the galactic year with the giving and receiving of gifts, and this year will be no exception. In anticipation of this busy period, luxury goods supplier Santa Muerte Co-operative has placed an open order for pers…
Community Goals: Alliance to Build New Outpost
Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has announced plans to construct a planetary outpost in the California Nebula. In a statement, Mahon explained that the new outpost would serve as a centre for xenobiological and astronomical research. He went on to…
Community Goal: People’s Tutumu Confederacy Appeal Concludes
The People’s Tutumu Confederacy has released a statement announcing the successful conclusion of its seasonal appeal. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, delivering huge quantities of goods to North Ring in the Tutumu system. In addition to of…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Limapa Blue State Commodities The Pilots Federation 39 Tauri Interstellar Apoyota Domain V886 Centauri …
The Battle of Vey
Vey system, Placid region. On the morning of the 18th of December, a major battle erupted in the system over an Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] Keepstar citadel. The battle itself saw more than 3,000 players clash in a spectacular brawl over the onlining structure, as two makeshift coalitions sought victory in what quickly became a meat…