ALERT: Circle of Two onlines Keepstar
Region: Impass System: 68FT-6 For the last month a war has raged in the southern regions of New Eden as TEST, Circle of Two, and Drone Walkers (TESTCO) prosecute an invasion of sovereign ‘nul-security’ space held by the Stain Wagon Coalition. To date TESTCO and Allies have occupied and secured all Stain Wagon space in the…
Low Sec Rumble: Clash over a Tower in Anchauttes
Anchauttes system, Placid region. On the 4th of February at 3:06 EVE Standard Time, Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] fought Pandemic Horde [REKTD] over a tower in the system. The battle was prompted by Escalating Entropy forces after they had reinforced a tower belonging to Pandemic Horde in the system. The tower, situated over a valuable moon,…
Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #47
The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 INHELL – Suddenly Wormhole [EVE Online] by Tori Shepard A cinematic video depicting several hunting expeditions carried by Inner…
Fanfest 2017 Call for EVE TV player hosts
Greetings capsuleers, Fanfest 2017 is approaching and we are already preparing for the live broadcast from Reykjavik, Iceland for those of you who won’t be able to make it out this year. As in previous years, we are looking for players who would like to join the EVE TV crew as a host for the…
Low Sec Rumble: Small Capital Brawl in Huola
Huola system, The Bleak Lands region. On the 2nd of February at 15:38 EVE standard Time, a capital brawl developed in the system. The battle was instigated by Mercenary Coalition [MC]. Siege Green. [SSGRN] had a fleet in the system comprised of Machariel battleships and a mix capital squadron of dreadnoughts and force auxiliaries. All…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Natural LP 811-17 Conservatives Idomatyritu Travel Industries Betel Free Co-operati…
Applications for CSM 12 Now Open!
CCP has announced that applications for CSM 12 are now open. If you are interested in becoming a canidate see below(The following is a reprint of the CCP announcement): Voting for CSM 12 opens on March 6, but a lot will happen between then and now. As of this moment we´ve started accepting applications for…
Subscriber Flash Sale!
Sabre Comet Subscriber Sale!…
Galactic News: Children of Raxxla Release Report
The Children of Raxxla, based in the HR 6421 system, have released an analysis of the exploration data recovered by the galactic community in November last year. A spokesperson for the organisation said: “There was a vast amount of data to sift through, but our analysis led to some notable discoveries in the Formidine Rift,…
Tribute: Out of Sight. and Red Menace Coalition Capitals Destroyed in D7-ZAC
D7-ZAC system, Tribute region. On the 2nd of February at 18:17 EVE Standard Time a joint Red Menace (RMC) coalition\Out of Sight. [OOS] fleet was destroyed in the system by Northern Coalition. [NC]. The battle was prompted by Out of Sight. and its allies. RMC and Out of Sight. had gathered a 150 pilot Rattlesnake…