Monthly Economic Report – February 2017
Tweet This is the Monthly Economic Report (MER) for February 2017. Please click the graphs to enlarge them as needed, also check out the graph slideshow. The raw data and graphs that make up this report can be downloaded here…
The Gaunt: PewPew Episode 3
The Gaunt returns in a new episode, continuing his series of solo PvP commentary first seen in the Watch These compilation. In the following video, The Gaunt showcases several ships used in individual PvP including a Gila and Stabber cruisers as well a…
Jonny Pew: Check out the New Cormorant Ship Model!
CCP Games is back at it redesigning ships that nobody asked for, but we will all be very grateful when the new designs hit Tranquility. Today our good friend Jonny Pew bring us a quick review of the new Cormorant ship design, check it out:
Review the next release! Join the EVE Online mass test on March 7 at 17:00 UTC
Join our next mass test on Tuesday, March 7th, and explore features of the upcoming EVE Online release! Further info about this mass test – Info about the test server Singularity We invite you to join our next mass test on the test serv…
Voting for CSM 12 is now open
Citizens of EVE, Voting is open and you can now cast YOUR votes. The voting page can be found HERE. Voting will be open until March 27, and the results will be announced at Fanfest 2017. Out of the 64 candidates this year you can pick up to …
PSA: The CSM 2017 Election voting is now OPEN!
Hi guys, yes it is that time of the year again! The voting phase of the Council of Stellar Management XII is now open! You can go out there and vote by clicking the link below: [ VOTE IN THE CSM XII ELECTION ] How to Vote Here is a quick primer by CCP Games…
EVE TV Fanfest broadcast – Player Videos
Greetings capsuleers, Fanfest 2017 is approaching and we want to spice up our live broadcast this year with your wonderful videos! Please send your submissions to evetv@ccpgames.com before March 26th. Your videos can be up to 60 seconds …
Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Colanja Gold Power Services Brani Federal Holdings Ross 754 Labour Yakabugai Exchange Ruchbah…
Catch: Major Battle in 1P-WGB
1P-WGB system, Catch region. In the early hours of the 4th of March, a large capital battle unfolded in the system over a Pandemic Legion [-10.0] citadel. The battle was fought over a Pandemic Legion Astrahus citadel. The structure was deployed by the alliance to provoke a fight from local residents. Defenders To defend the…
Live: Second Round of CSM Debates
Watch live video from jeffraider on www.twitch.tv As published on CrossingZebras.com, the second round of debates between candidates for the XII Council of Stellar Management (CSM) will go live shortly. There will be three groups participating, each with its own time slot and the entire debate streamed by JEFFRAIDER who agreed to host the debate.…