Immensea: Another Clash in EA-HSA over an Engineering Complex
EA-HSA system, Immesnea region. On the 1st of April at 10:14 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system over an anchoring Raitaru engineering complex. The engineering complex belonged to Pandemic Legion [-10.0]. The alliance had been using such structures to provoke fights from entities neighboring the Curse region where it is deployed. The…
The Discourse: H4-RP4 Inquest to Convene in Days
Science crews and diplomats continue to arrive at H4-RP4 Inquest Center as tensions grow between Caldari and Gallente parties. Recent reports show that SOCT performed joint expeditions to quarantine zones. Make sure to tune in at @AratakaResearch for the live coverage of the YC119 Kyonoke Inquest.
Victory in Catch for Test Alliance Please Ignore as Keepstar anchors
Yesterday Test Alliance Please Ignore [TEST] anchored its first Keepstar in the system of D-PNP9 solidifying their position within the Esoteria region and sending a clear message of their intentions to anyone who may challenge them for the region. Test Alliance fleet commander ProGodLegend took the chance address the troops, the first address to the alliance…
Miner Metrics 4/1/2017
A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Sol Workers’ Party Modgud Commodities Bodb Dearg Order Njundji Alliance Leschanaty…
Freelance Report: Imperial Commanders Support Salomé
Reports have been received from Imperial space that many Imperial pilots are defying the standing kill-on-sight order on Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren. The pilots pledging to support the disgraced senator are offering escort services and fuel, and have even promised to reward other Commanders willing to help. “The issue is that…
Major Battle in Cloud Ring over a Fortizar
6-4V20 system, Cloud Ring region. On the 31st of March at 19:36 EVE Standard Time, a major battle developed in the system over a Fortizar citadel. Background The citadel in question belonged to Suddenly Spaceships [CYN0]. The alliance had been living in the region for quite some time. With Pandemic Horde [REKTD] expanding its territory,…
Introducing The Upwell Organic Mass Granulator
Greetings intrepid capsuleers! Welcome to another dev blog in which we’ll discuss further development in the rapidly advancing world of Upwell Consortium hardware. Over the course of the last few weeks you’ve heard more about th…