Subscriber Flash Sale!
Drake Buccaneer Subscriber Sale!…
Calling All EVE Online Designers: EVE Online T-Shirt Design Contest
As we head toward what is already shaping up to be the largest EVE Vegas ever, we want to allow you to have a direct and creative impact on what products will be offered at EVE Vegas and in the EVE Merchandise Store. We’re happy to announce that we’re now opening a contest for pilots…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Limapa Blue State Commodities Vanayequi Independents AG+21 1754 Citizen Party Zelano Systems Liberty Party of Zeessze Zeessze Clan Apoyota Domain Liberty Party of LP 751-1 Leesti Alliance Union United Chimba League Civil…
New Eden Store Weekend special: Skill extractor discount and Barghest SKIN
Enjoy our latest New Eden Store offer. Available this weekend only, from June 2nd to 5th! 15% discount on single Skill Extractors Waschi Uprising ‘Combat’ SKIN for Barghest battleships Get single Skill Extractors with a discount of 15% during this weekend! Single Skill Extractors will cost only 119 PLEX instead the original 140 PLEX. Additionally,…
Around the Verse
Learn how the implementation of Item 2.0 will affect your ship. Sandi Gardiner and Eric Kieron Davis host this week’s episode, which also features studio updates from Austin and Turbulent. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Community Goal: The Battle for Jotunheim
Recent reports from Jotunheim indicate that the Autocracy of Jotunheim, an Imperial-aligned organisation, has entered the system with a remit to bring it under Imperial control. Regional authorities have opposed the incursion, and have authorised the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance to drive the Autocracy of Jotunheim from the system. The Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance has also issued…
Galactic News: Sixth Colonia Appeal Concludes
The sixth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. The Council is now proce…
Galactic News: Superpower Campaigns Conclude
The Empire and the Federation have released statements announcing the successful conclusion of their respective campaigns. Both superpowers received huge quantities of construction material over the past week, allowing them to start work on new outpost…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Kokary Liberals Groombridge 1618 Inc Mother Gaia Allied Ualapalor League V886 Centauri Corporation Nuenets Corp. Bureau of HIP 1914 Focus HIP 1914 Purple Universal Inc LP 811-17 Gold Energy Partners Natural LP 811-17…
Kirith Kodachi – Strategic Post
One of my favourite things to do for blogging these days is to notice some announcement of a change from CCP or someone saying something, and then dig up an old post of mine where I say the exact same thing. The latest entry to this hobby is this dev blog on Strategic Cruiser changes:…