2-for-1 offer on Multiple Character Training
Train ALL your characters on your EVE Online account with just one multiple character training (MCT)! Buy one MCT, get training on two extra characters! Train all three characters on your account Purchase the offer as …
Atlas Rises Patch 1.37
Hello, Today we’re releasing Patch 1.37, which introduces a number of improvements including a new ship control scheme for PC players, an upload all discoveries option and improved trade product prices. This patch will be available today on PC and PS4 – read on for full patch notes! PC control scheme In this patch, we’ve……
Atlas Rises Patch 1.37
Hello, Today we’re releasing Patch 1.37, which introduces a number of improvements including a new ship control scheme for PC players, an upload all discoveries option and improved trade product prices. This patch will be available today on PC and PS4 – read on for full patch notes! PC control scheme In this patch, we’ve……
Galactic News: Federal Capital Ship Destroyed by Thargoids
Over the past few months, several reports have surfaced of Federal convoys coming under fire in the Maia system. While circumstantial evidence strongly suggested Thargoid involvement, the Federation declined to comment, saying only that the matter was …
Around the Verse
Sandi Gardiner and Josh Herman host this week’s episode of Around the Verse. This episode explores the upcoming mission system and includes another installment of “Burndown.” And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Galactic News: Chapterhouse Campaign Concludes
A spokesperson for the Kamadhenu Chapterhouse of Inquisition has announced that its plan to establish a series of starports between Colonia and the core systems has received the wholehearted support of the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots took to their ships to deliver construction materials to Shajn Market over the course of the three-week campaign,…
Community Goal: The Battle for Ho Hsi
Recent reports indicate that conflict has erupted in the Ho Hsi system between Ho Hsi Jet Comms Limited and the Freedom Party of Ho Hsi. System security forces were caught off guard by the violence, which began without warning and has escalated rapidly since then. Both sides have issued calls for aid, appealing to independent…
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Union of Wolf 359 Labour Coquim Industry 39 Tauri Interstellar HIP 96289 Blue Major Inc Gliese 868 Services Parhul Silver Electronics Hldgs Epsilon Phoenicis Forum Smethells 119 Blue Life Int Barnard’s Star Alliance…
How a single click can destroy trillions
Most of you are probably aware of the recent developments in the Impass region. But for those of you that are unaware, here is a short summary. The region was/is owned by the CO2 alliance. In recent time the CO2 alliance came into conflict with the inhabitants of the neighbouring Feythabolis region. This caused an…
Forrest Stephan steps in for Mark Abent as this week’s resident Bugsmasher. He tackles a bug that’s keeping helmet lights from properly illuminating a character’s face.