Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: The Pit, Pennsylvania Meanwhile, the following starports are on the br…
30% Discount on EoM SKINs!
We’re happy to announce that there is currently a 30% discount sale in progress on the following Equilibrium of Mankind SKINs in the New Eden Store: Ark EoM SKIN Aeon EoM SKIN Archon EoM SKIN Paladin EoM SKIN Armageddon Navy Issue EoM SKIN Apocalypse Navy Issue EoM SKIN Absolution EoM SKIN Guardian EoM SKIN Devoter…
Battle Report: Second 9-4RP2 timer preludes the start of the next Great War.
During this past Monday’s primetime, the GoonSwarm Federation led coalition deployed hundreds of carriers and reinforced the key 9-4RP2 solar system’s Keepstar belonging to Pandemic Horde. A form up was announced from both sides to maintain…
[Watch This] When Birthday Roams Go Right
Birthday roams have some common sets of features: experimental fleet compositions, distant targets, more than a little alcohol consumption, and the promise of a blazing death. When Dark. FC & streamer Mad Newt announced a birthday roam awhile back,…
Empire Report: Stranded in Vanduul Space
On this edition of Empire Report, Victoria Hutchins interviews a Navy pilot who survived being stranded in Vanduul space.
Watch This: TEST Alliance – Welcome to 2018
Here is a pretty cool video to watch while we wait for the Cloud Ring brawl to happen. TEST Alliance is no stranger to seasonal videos, today’s video comes from the hand of Temppu Gaming. Whenever I see these videos and realize they are made with…
* LIVE * Cloud Right Keepstar Fight – North vs. South
Yesterday the 9-4RP2 (Cloud Ring) Keepstar belonging to Pandemic Horde was reinforced by Goonswarm Federation & co. Today, in about one hour said Keepstar comes out in its second reinforcement timer. All things considered, there is a high probabil…
The Case for the EVE Staff Officer
Introduction A staff officer is someone who works within a military headquarters, usually within a specific department, with the intention of supporting commanders in various ways. Whilst large alliances, and coalitions, have a lot of parallels to real…