Tag: EVE News 24

  • Vale of the Silent: Tackled Rorqual Leads to a Nyx Destroyed

    Y-ZXIO system, Vale of the Silent region. In the early hours of the 29th of April, a battle unfolded in the system leading to a destruction of a Nyx super carrier. The chain of events that led to the Nyx’s destruction started with a Triumvirate. [TRI] Stratios cruiser fleet hunting for targets. The 35 pilot…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #59

    The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 PVP with charles – The punisher by prokarnivo A brave little Punisher frigate challenges the faction warfare complexes of…

  • The Discourse: Intelligence Agency Implicated in Kyonoke Crisis

      Kyonoke Inquest concludes and evidence start to surface on galnet resources. Who is the real culprit behind the smokescreen? Who is responsible for millions of lives lost during the oubreak? One thing is certain – capsuleer delegates played a vital role in solving this story. Audio logs obtained by The Discourse uncover the origins…

  • Dev Blog: Changes To PLEX Packages Coming With May Release

    When these changes arrive on May 9th with the 119.5 release, we will also be changing the pricing structure of PLEX, so that they work like aurum used to: The more you buy, the bigger the bonus you get. For some packs, this will mean a small increase in the price per PLEX, but the…

  • Live Stream – EVE Prosper – Episode 94 Now Live

    Eve Prosper is now live. Show is focused on trends and forecasting for the EVE Markets. Eve New’s 24 does not endorse the information but provide this as a way for EvE Streamers to reach a wider Audience: Enjoy  

  • Miner Metrics 27/4/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.  

  • The Gaunt: PewPew Episode 5

    The Gaunt returns in a new episode, continuing his series of solo PvP commentary first seen in the Watch These compilation. In the following video Gaunt finds himself in a lot of terrible situations while somehow managing to get a few good fights in-be…

  • Watch This: ARCHIVES – Akira Kasaras

      From the studio that brought you The Discourse, a new series documenting different aspects of New Eden’s lore, starting with the recent Kyonoke Inquest.

  • Miner Metrics 26/4/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.  

  • Miner Metrics 25/4/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.