Tag: EVE News 24

  • Eve grow’s, Welcomes newbros’ and ch-ch-changes Part I

    Over the last 12 to 13 months CCP Games has made a series of changes intended to break multiple stereotypes associated with Eve Online and bring more players to the wonders of New Eden. EVE’s major obstacles, historically, were subscription costs, a heavy learning curve, and the extreme amount of time you needed to invest…

  • Kirith Kodachi: Unenthused

    Now that the first Blood Raiders Sotiyo structure has been destroyed on Tranquility I want to blather on a bit. I think the big thing that took the wind out of my sails for writing about the meta-game of EVE this spring was a Fanfest that left me feeling underwhelmed. The biggest reveal from the…

  • Grand Theft Molok: Hudders Edition

    Eve Online is a game filled with tales of daring do, intrigue, friendship, and betrayal. These tales form a brilliant and varied tapestry that becomes the history and lore of New Eden. I have always loved the fact that in Eve history it is not just the ‘In-Game CCP’ added events that essentially become the canon…

  • John Drees: Selling Spies or Selling Lies

    John Drees has released a new video and it is sure to light the drama cyno. This is a follow up to his last video on the internal workings of Honorable Third Party (HTP) and it’s Blacks Operations Program. This video covers his (John Drees) offer to sell the names of embedded HTP spies throughout the…

  • John Drees: Selling Spies or Selling Lies

    John Drees has released a new video and it is sure to light the drama cyno. This is a follow up to his last video on the internal workings of Honorable Third Party (HTP) and it’s Blacks Operations Program. This video covers his (John Drees) offer to sell the names of embedded HTP spies throughout the…

  • The Scope: Blood Raider Shipyard Under Attack!

    Alton Haveri reports on events in Period Basis, after the attack an advanced shipyard belonging to the Blood Raider Covenant that appears to be based on a Sotiyo class engineering complex. With the Covenant forming a fleet in anticipation of the final attack, and local forces currently in the process of forming up for an…

  • Dev Blog: Increased Skill Injector Flexibility Coming On May 23rd

    Hello skilful Capsuleers of New Eden! With the changes to PLEX now deployed and the market now stable, today we’d like to tell you about another small improvement we’re going to be making on May 23rd, this time relating to Skill Trading. Moving PLEX towards a more granular, and ultimately more flexible design got us…

  • Seraph IX Basarab: Kugu Strikes Back!

    In many ways reddit revolutionized the way the Eve community interacts. The official Eve Online forums tend to be too moderated offering none of that “bite” which makes destroying your enemy’s stuff so enjoyable. TheMittanidotCom’s forum (INN before the brand renaming) was a massive failure despite the site’s popularity at the time and having the…

  • FW Update: 2200 ships, 31bn ISK killed in 72-hour running battle to liberate Eha system

    This article is posted in syndication with the author’s permission. We are happy at EN24 to publish information for the Faction Warfare community. The author is DegnarOskold   Battle Report! The Federal Defence Union is proud to announce the liberation of the Eha star system from its occupation by the terrorist forces of the Caldari State…

  • Dev Blog: Color Blindness support is coming to EVE Online

    According to the internet, around 8% of men are color blind, so some quick napkin math would mean around 7.999% of EVE players are color blind, which is a considerable chunk. I am not one of those 7.999%, so it was particularly interesting, yet challenging, to work on this feature, mostly because I was at…