Tag: EVE News 24

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #10

    So it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go! #1  Eve Online VR Video – The Ships and Factions of New Eden Virtual reality…

  • EVENT: EVESTERDAM #3 – 26 / 27 September

    Evesterdam was first held in 2013. It started as a simple facebook event to get Eve Online players together one saturday afternoon to drink in a bar in Amsterdam. An amazing 150 people showed up, both from the Netherlands and abroad and the event was a great success. In 2014, at the request of those who…

  • STAFF: Looking for writers

    We are opening spots in the EN24 team. If you wish to be part of the crew, here are the basics: – Good Grammar. – Skype access. – Free time. – Decent EVE politics knowledge. – Decent EVE Online experience. – Wish to earn some Iskies. – Open minded view on current political events –…

  • The Angel Project Turns Three!

    Soon to be in its fourth year of operation, The Angel Project is an initiative that was created to assist new players in getting established in EVE by providing advice, skillbooks, ISK, ships and many other goodies for them to utilize while taking their first steps into New Eden. With the third anniversary of the…

  • Perunga: A Tale Of Justice?

    Perunga is CEO of C.Q,B, who are part of Snuffed Out Alliance. He was interviewed recently by EN24, and apparently that interview caused a lot of controversy between C.Q.B and the rest of the corporations within the alliance. Many other FC’s and CEO’s felt that Perunga had overplayed the roles both he and his corp…

  • Alliance Tournament XIII Day 1 and 2 Results

    The Alliance Tournament kicked off this weekend with the live streams being provided by volunteers from the ISD, via their twitch streams. You can also find all the matches as they were streamed on their respective Twitch channels and when they are made available on the ISD YouTube account. You can also see how the…

  • My Two ISK: Why I Think EVE Online is Not Dying

    I am the type of person who hates to hear how a game is dying, whether it is or not. It’s annoying and it makes me think that I’ve been wasting my time playing a possibly dead game, and if I am it makes me want to stop playing or spend too much time finishing the game, instead…

  • Null-Sec Alliances Petition Changes To Aegis Sov

    Legion of xXDeathXx, a large null-sec alliance, are leading a campaign to get as many people as possible to sign a petition asking CCP to make changes to the mechanics of Aegis Sovereignty. We are the people of nullsec! Living for years in this epic and massively rich in conflict environment, we set aside our…

  • Kurisu Makkashi: An Interview

    Kurisu Makkashi is CEO of Cruis3rs Cr3w Alliance, and Republic of Pew, the chief corporation in Cruis3rs Cr3w. Kurisu, please, tell us a little about yourself I am Kurisu Makkashi. After playing EVE for 7 years, I am now the CEO of the newly formed corporation Republic of Pew, and the alliance, Cruis3rs Cr3w. We…

  • CSM Jump Fatigue Town Hall – The Summary

    The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) headed up by Sugar Kyle with CCP Developers CCP Larrikin, CCP Delegate Zero, CCP Fozzie, CCP Nullarbor and finally CCP Mimic held a CSM Town Hall that was set up on an open team-speak with the goal of obtaining feedback and opinions on the Phoebe Jump Changes. Specifically, Jump Fatigue, which has…