Tag: EVE News 24

  • EVEONGANDA: Announcing the New Eden Chronicles

    Calling all writers and artists from the Eve community. Eveoganda Publishing (a non-existent company I just made up) in association with Rixx Javix, Mord Fiddle, General Stargazer and Drackarn are proud to announce our latest community project. New Eden Chronicles will be an anthology book series featuring fan fiction and fan art written and illustrated…

  • Bombers Bar Opens 11bn ISK Trailer Competition

    Bombers Bar, famous for being one of EVE’s earliest pioneers of the Not Purple Shoot It (NPSI) fleet, are inviting the EVE Community to craft a new trailer. A trailer that captures the essence of Bombers Bar and a chance to claim a 10 billion ISK top prize courtesy of Evebet and trillionaire.pro or the…

  • *LIVE* CCP Streams – Drawing Happy Little Spaceships with CCP Jorg

    Watch live video from CCP on www.twitch.tv

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #22

    It’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours trawling through YouTube and EOC.tv to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the EVE community has to offer. So here we go! #1 Out of Sight – Anti-bees organisation by EscurKo Poor Goonies, they have been in the…

  • Purported Imperium Plans for Galactic Control

    Earlier today, what appears to be a document leaked from the Imperium Forums found its way to reddit, once again embroiling the Imperium (formally the Clusterfuck Colition) in more drama. This document is repeated below. On inspection the document appears to be an early draft to implement a galactic wide subjugation of non-Imperium Alliances in…

  • New Designer SKIN line “Valimor Legacy” for Gallente ships and Discounts on SKIN bundles

    A brand new Designer SKIN line is now available in the New Eden Store with the Valimor Legacy set. The new SKINs of the Valimor Legacy line are first available for Gallente Tech-1 ships; SKINs for Tech-2 ships will follow in the coming week. The Valimor Legacy line was designed by the famous sculptor Dominique Correador from the University…

  • #EVE_NT Collides – Tuskers Victorious Over Pandemic Legion 3-1

    The second round of #EVE_NT Collides involved two tournament giants, which concluded with the Tuskers scoring a convincing victory over Pandemic Legion winning 3 matches to 1. Prior to the tournament each team had submitted seven complete team set-ups of no less than 5 ships. Prior to the match each team can then chose two…

  • Geminate: Battle of MR4-MY

    MR4-MY system, Geminate region. On the 22nd of November at 20:30 EVE Standard Time, Imperium and Northern Coalition. [NC] forces clashed in the system. Northern Coalition. has deployed to the region for the past few weeks, busying itself with harassing Imperium forces by reinforcing infrastructure and destroying towers in an attempt to provoke fights from…

  • Battle Report Round Up #9

    The passing week supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of those battles: 13/11 Did he say Jump versus Dead Terrorists versus Pandemic Legion   A fight on a tower in the Kourmonen system in the Bleak Lands region between Did he say Jump [JMP-N] Rattlesnake fleet…

  • War in Insmother: The Fall of C-J6MT

    C-J6MT system, Insmother region. Drone Regions Federation (DRF) forces have been stepping up their attempts to capture the system, which served as Red Menace Coalition’s (RMC) main staging in the region. While previous attempts have failed, this time DRF seem to have been fully committed, prompting a series of long and bloody battles that came…