Tag: EVE News 24

  • Why I Started Hi-Sec Ganking, and Why You Should too!

    Years ago, when I began my EVE journey I was content to just let the PvE content roll in and grind night after night anticipating the flashy wallet every twenty minutes. But as I imagine some of you experienced yourselves, the grind becomes tiresome. I branched out. Tried faction warfare for a hot minute and…

  • Battle Report Round Up #11

    The passing weeks supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of those battles: 13/12 The OSS and Suddenly Spaceships. versus Ivy League The Battle from the Perspective of the Ivy League Fleet The Battle from the Perspective of the Joint Battleship Fleet The Battle from the Perspective…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Clash in Shafrak

    Shafrak system, Aridia region. On the 19th of December at 18:45 EVE Standard Time, forces belonging to Northern Coalition. [NC] clashed with LowSechnaya Sholupen [-LSH-] and their allies in the system over towers in the region. The battle was sparked over three towers in the neighboring Nalnifan system which were previously reinforced by Northern Coalition.…

  • Viator Carrying 66 Billion ISK in Sleeper Loot Destroyed in Hirtamon

    December 14th, 18:24 EVE Standard Time in the Hirtamon system, The Forge Region: a Viator piloted by the CEO and sole employee of the Hotdroppadipop corporation; Kilksti Kolksti was the victim of a hi-sec gank. It is not uncommon for blockade runners to be singled out, as their hulls have a very limited threshold for inbound DPS.…

  • Interview with SUAS of Black Omega Security/OSS

    Eve truly is an amazing game where you can find unique cultures and histories much the same way you can IRL. I view Eve as the “best version of chess” we have. As a student of history and international relations, it’s a very valuable platform for social experiments and engineering as well as analyzing trends…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Battle in Tvzi

    Tvzi system, Devoid region. On the 17th of December at 22:20 EVE Standard Time, forces belonging to Dead Terrorists [IKILU] and FETID [FETID] clashed with Did he say Jump [JMP-N] in the system in a battle that saw the loss of an Aeon supercarrier. The battle was sparked over a Dead Terrorists tower in the…

  • Dev Blog: Happy Holidays! – Launchers & Snowballs & Trinkets… Oh My!

    Good afternoon Capsuleers and Seasons Greetings from everyone here at CCP Games! With Operation Frostline in full swing and the Serpentis Corporation taking a firm beating, we thought we’d continue the holiday cheer and give a little update as to some of the other items that will be making appearances across across New Eden through…

  • Catch: Battle in WLAR-J

    WLAR-J system, Catch region. On the 17th of December at 09:00 EVE Standard Time, Pandemic Legion [-10.0] and I N F A M O U S [GLORY] forces clashed in the system in a battle which ended with surprising results. The battle was fought over three towers in the RNF-YH system which contained supercapital ship…

  • Insmother: Ragnarok Titan Down to Pandemic Legion

    GK5Z-T system, Insmother region. In the early hours of the 17th of December, a Ragnarok Titan belonging to Triumvirate. [TRI] was destroyed in the system by forces belonging to Pandemic Legion [-10.0]. The titan was the unintended casualty of a well laid trap planned by Pandemic Legion. The intended target was a large capital force…

  • O7 Show Review: 16/12/2015

    CCP Karkur and CCP Guard return to the couch to welcome us to this December’s O7 show.     Operation Frostline After a “How Do You Say It” segment based around the new command destroyers, CCP Reddawn is introduced. CCP Reddawn joined CCP 5 years ago and has been responsible for many developments in EVE.…