SMA Director Winet’s Resignation Revealed As A Ruse
Just over a week ago the region of Fade came under attack as the Money Badger Coalition [MBC] began reinforcing infrastructure in the region during the battle of M-OEE8. While Space Monkeys Alliance [SMA] were able to defend the timers having secured the region after only 3 days later, news broke that Director and Sky-marshal…
Diary of a Capsuleer (A Story of World War Bee)
March 30th 21:00 Eve time, Its been a long day, I find myself sitting in a Starbucks relaxing, enjoying my customary flat white latte and partaking of the free wifi offered by the local coffee shop. I begin the long and arduous process of navigating services, registrations, and authorizations when joining a new alliance or coalition…
War Continues to Rage in the North
While allied operations continue to push hard into Imperium territory, the Imperium itself seems to be losing steam. After a few major battles, the Imperium’s strategy seems to have shifted from major defensive battles to battles of attrition, often throwing battlecruiser, cruiser and interceptor fleets at the advancing allied forces. While time will tell whether…
BREAKING: SMA to Abandon Fade
An internal post from SpaceMonkey’s Alliance leadership has recently leaked outlining an SMA withdraw from the Fade Region. “Good Morning SMA (and Reddit, when this invariably leaks) If you were online for the alliance meeting last night, you already know what this post is about. If you weren’t, well, pull up a chair, have a…
BREAKING: SMA to Abandon Fade
An internal post from SpaceMonkey’s Alliance leadership has recently leaked outlining an SMA withdraw from the Fade Region. “Good Morning SMA (and Reddit, when this invariably leaks) If you were online for the alliance meeting last night, you already know what this post is about. If you weren’t, well, pull up a chair, have a…
From the Blotter: A Querious Grudge
From time to time, my writing at EN24 blurs with my employment as a detective and my recent plan to investigate the state of Querious started my detective juices flowing. In the course of working on the article, I reached out to all active querious residents – members of the Querious Fight Club, Rote Kapelle,…
Between the Gates: An introduction.
A lot of stories about the Eve community revolve around the huge null blocks and the fights they have over territory. Everyone’s heard of the Goons if you’ve played Eve for any manner of time and aren’t a complete self-absorbed hermit. I have friends that don’t play the game that ask me questions about the…
Pandemic Horde’s 1st Birthday
Pandemic Horde (PH) is Pandemic Legion‘s newbro (or newbean as PL and PH term them) friendly alliance. Horde is somewhat similar to KarmaFleet and Brave Newbies in its objectives, though with some quite stark and profound differences. It emphasizes its relationship with Pandemic Legion and encourages new players to develop and improve with the help of established…
o7 Show Recap
Yesterday, on March 31st 2016, was the 15th episode of the o7 Show. Here’s a little recap for those that missed it! Developer API Challenge CCP Mimic was joined by CCP Foxfour and CCP Bartender to announce the winners of the Developer API Challenge, a challenge CCP gave to all Eve players to make a…
Tranquillity’s Many Upgrades
Tranquillity, or TQ for short, has had two previous major upgrades. The first was in 2010 and the other in 2011. 2010 UPGRADE On a cloudy Wednesday on the 23rd of June 2010 (Coinciding with the Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull) the core of Eve Online – the server bank – was moved. For 8 years they had…